Issue - items at meetings - Integrated sexual health service contract
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Integrated sexual health service contract
Meeting: 12/02/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 145)
145 Integrated sexual health service contract PDF 74 KB
Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached).
Additional documents:
That the committee notes the successful outcome of negotiations and intention to award the contract to Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust in partnership with the Sussex Community Trust.
145.1. The Lead Commissioner for Sexual Health & HIV introduced the report which detailed the outcome of negotiations for a new contract for the provision of an integrated sexual health service.
145.2. Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and wished to place on record her thanks to the Lead Commissioner for his additional briefing that he provided prior to the committee meeting. She believed that integrated provision would result in a better service for the city and supported the recommendation.
145.3. The Chair noted the comments and welcomed the joint working with the Hospital Partnership Trust and put the recommendation to the vote.
145.4. RESOLVED: That the successful outcome of negotiations and intention to award the contract to Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust in partnership with the Sussex Community Trust be noted.