Issue - items at meetings - Proposed amalgamation of Davigdor Infant and Somerhill Junior Schools from September 2015: outcomes of consultation, Children & Young People Committee: 09/03/15

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Proposed amalgamation of Davigdor Infant and Somerhill Junior Schools from September 2015: outcomes of consultation, Children & Young People Committee: 09/03/15

Meeting: 09/03/2015 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 85)

85 Proposed amalgamation of Davigdor Infant and Somerhill Junior Schools from September 2015: outcomes of consultation, Children & Young People Committee: 09/03/15 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:




(1)  That the Committee noted the responses to the consultation undertaken in regard to the proposal to amalgamate Davigdor Infant and Somerhill Junior Schools in Hove to become an all through primary school with effect from 1 September 2015.


(2)  That the Committee agreed to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal.


(3)  That following the statutory notice period the matter is reported further to the meeting of Children and Young People Committee on 1 June 2015 for a final decision.



85.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services on the proposal to amalgamate Davigdor Infant and Somerhill Junior Schools in Hove, into an all through primary school from 1 September 2015.  The report confirmed the outcome of consultation on that proposal and sought approval to proceed to the next stage of the statutory process which was the publication of Statutory Notices. The report was introduced by the Head of Education Planning and Contracts.


85.2    RESOLVED:


(1)   That the Committee noted the responses to the consultation undertaken in regard to the proposal to amalgamate Davigdor Infant and Somerhill Junior Schools in Hove to become an all through primary school with effect from 1 September 2015.


(2)   That the Committee agreed to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal.


(3)   That following the statutory notice period the matter is reported further to the meeting of Children and Young People Committee on 1 June 2015 for a final decision.



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