Issue - items at meetings - LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2015
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Meeting: 26/03/2015 - Council (Item 78)
78 Local Transport Plan 2015 PDF 116 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2015, 19/03/2015 Policy & Resources Committee, item 78 PDF 51 KB View as HTML (78/2) 20 KB
- Enc. 2 for LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2015, 19/03/2015 Policy & Resources Committee, item 78 PDF 2 MB View as HTML (78/3) 3 MB
- Enc. 3 for LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2015, 19/03/2015 Policy & Resources Committee, item 78 PDF 87 KB View as HTML (78/4) 90 KB
- Item 78 Extract from PR 19 03 15 - Local Transport Plan 2015, item 78 PDF 81 KB View as HTML (78/5) 71 KB
- Item 78 LTP Foreward v2, item 78 PDF 138 KB View as HTML (78/6) 483 KB
- Item 78 LTP 2014 Transport facts figures info graphics update, item 78 PDF 478 KB
- Webcast for Local Transport Plan 2015
Meeting: 19/03/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 162)
162 Local Transport Plan PDF 117 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2015, item 162 PDF 52 KB View as HTML (162/2) 18 KB
- Enc. 2 for LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2015, item 162 PDF 2 MB View as HTML (162/3) 3 MB
- Enc. 3 for LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2015, item 162 PDF 87 KB View as HTML (162/4) 90 KB
- Webcast for Local Transport Plan
1) That the Committee recommends Council to approve the draft Local Transport Plan [LTP4], as attached in Appendix 2 in March 2015.
2) That the Committee authorises the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to make presentational and other minor changes to the Local Transport Plan and the report before its submission to full Council.
3) That the Committee approves the 2015/16 Local Transport Plan capital programme budget of £5.450 million for the Capital Renewal (Maintenance) and Integrated Transport work programmes set out in Appendix 3.
4) That the Committee approves funding for the LTP programme of £4.261 million from the LTP 2015/16 grant allocation as set out Appendix 3, and up to £1.189 million brought forward from the LTP 2016/17 grant allocation specifically to contribute towards the LTP capital renewal/maintenance block allocation to:-
a) complete the final phase of works on the King’s Road Arches (east of the i360 site); and,
b) enable the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing to work with the Head of Property & Design and Assistant Chief Executive to identify and review the potential opportunities presented by the structural condition of the now vacant, former West Street Shelter Hall and develop designs to rebuild the structure and revise the junction layout, as set out at paragraphs 3.15 to 3.17 of this report.
162.1 The Chair highlighted there was a letter from Councillor Mears associated with this item, and he invited Councillor Mears to speak to her letter.
162.2 Councillor Mears stated that the Local Transport Plan (LTP) included plans to: grow the economy; reduce carbon emissions; increase safety and security; provide equality; improve wellbeing and enhance the public realm. Rottingdean High Street was currently used as a direct route to reach the A27, and there had been a large of amount of development in this area in the last four years. The High Street was used by approximately 14,000 cars each day, and she requested that further consideration be given to looking at Rottingdean High Street alongside other locations with similar characteristics. The pollution levels and traffic in the area was a concern for both residents and the Parish Council.
162.3 In response the Chair explained that if the plan were approved then Rottingdean High Street would be one of the areas for action.
162.4 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the Member Letter from Councillor Mears.
162.5 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to the Local Transport Plan (LTP) 2015. Local highways authorities had a statutory requirement to have a Local Transport Plan; the document outlined how the Council planned to manage and deliver transport in the future. The current LTP was approved in 2011, and, therefore it was considered an appropriate time to review and update the plan.
162.6 The Chair also invited Councillor Davey to introduce the plan as the Lead Member for Transport. Councillor Davey expressed thanks to the work of Officers involved in the drafting of the new plan, and the wide reaching engagement that had taken place. The aim of the strategy had been to put people at the centre of the thinking; rather than bracketing into different groups such as motorists and cyclists. Transport was the key to delivering growth within the city, and this would also impact on the greater Brighton area. The document would also provide the basis for the authority to bid with both the evidence and the arguments underpinning this. Whilst there was money set aside for big schemes such as Valley Gardens; there was evidence that smaller sums of money could also have an impact.
162.7 Councillor Mitchell welcomed the main thrust of the report and the strategy, and noted that as the city grew a new plan was needed for the new challenges. She was disappointed to see the reduction in funding from Central Government, and queried how some of the funding was being used to bring forward the Valley Gardens Scheme on the basis that this would not be sustainable year on year. Councillor Mitchell felt that both of the other groups wished to push forward with the scheme without clarity around the funding, and she asked that this be reviewed. With this issue aside she would still support the approval of the plan.
162.8 Councillors Morgan asked a series of questions and Officers gave the following responses. The match funding for the Valley Garden’s scheme would be approximately £1.1M from the LTP, of the £1.6M, and the rest would be from s106 agreements and other funds. The Valley Gardens scheme was due to ‘break ground’ in September 2015 and the scheme costs included a sum for new roads and road construction that would offset a lot of future maintenance – with a 20 to 25 year lifespan. There would be budget to provide measures for speed restriction to support the 20mph speed limit. There was a quality partnership with all local bus operators and the Council worked with them to development joint bids. Officers would come back to Councillor Morgan in relation to the listing of the Mazda Fountain and whether the reference to the number of Doctors surgeries included the recent closure of Eaton Place.
162.9 The Chair highlighted the decision to progress the works to the Madeira Arches would make the project much more cost effective.
162.10 Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the increased emphasis on road maintenance, and added that it was his view the authority had benefitted very well from Central Government funding, but this level of funding could not be expected in the long-term. In relation to the Valley Gardens scheme he stated that aspects involving the roundabout would have to come back before the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee for decision, and the Committee would be able to consider this in detail.
162.11 Councillor Randall highlighted that the city had almost double the national figure for people walking to work, and the highest in the south-east. The 20 mph scheme that was introduced some years ago in the Hanover area had physical measures to reduce speed, and he expected this would be the case elsewhere in the city.
163.12 The Chair then put the recommendation to the vote.
1) That the Committee recommends Council to approve the draft Local Transport Plan [LTP4], as attached in Appendix 2 in March 2015.
2) That the Committee authorisesthe Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to make presentational and other minor changes to the Local Transport Plan and the report before its submission to full Council.
3) That the Committee approves the 2015/16 Local Transport Plan capital programme budget of £5.450 million for the Capital Renewal (Maintenance) and Integrated Transport work programmes set out in Appendix 3.
4) That the Committee approves funding for the LTP programme of £4.261 million from the LTP 2015/16 grant allocation as set out Appendix 3, and up to £1.189 million brought forward from the LTP 2016/17 grant allocation specifically to contribute towards the LTP capital renewal/maintenance block allocation to:
a) Complete the final phase of works on the King’s Road Arches (east of the i360 site); and,
b) Enable the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing to work with the Head of Property & Design and Assistant Chief Executive to identify and review the potential opportunities presented by the structural condition of the now vacant, former West Street Shelter Hall and develop designs to rebuild the structure and revise the junction layout, as set out at paragraphs 3.15 to 3.17 of this report.