Issue - items at meetings - South East Business Services and Central Services
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South East Business Services and Central Services
Meeting: 19/03/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 157)
157 South East Business Services and Central Services PDF 83 KB
Report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Central Services Report App 1, item 157 PDF 634 KB View as HTML (157/2) 1 MB
- Central Services Report App 2, item 157 PDF 55 KB View as HTML (157/3) 20 KB
- Webcast for South East Business Services and Central Services
That the Committee:
1) Approve full exploration of SEBs shared services as a founding member, including the business case development, whilst remaining open to alternative models in parallel. If appropriate, further approval to progress Joint Committee membership would be sought at a later stage.
2) Notes the ongoing work to develop an internal trading model, which could be required for any future service delivery model.
157.1 The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to South East Business Services and Central Services. The report explored the possibility for a shared service, and sought permission for the Council to become a founding member of South East Business Services (SEBS) to enable the Council to fully explore this option.
157.2 Councillor Sykes explained that there were two elements of the report: to make more sense of internal charges and recharges and explore the SEBS option further, it was noted that some central services were currently well streamlined and the authority performed well In CIPFA benchmarking.
157.3 Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report, but queried why these options had not been explored some years ago, as well as asking for more information on what becoming a founder member entailed. In response the Chair explained that the authority would not be committing to join the full committee, the authority would still be able to look at other options and proceed with SEBS were this to be considered the preferred option. The Chair also gave examples of the other areas of shared work taking place across the organisation. The Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources added that the report provided the political mandate to work towards the best options for the organisation, whilst keeping all potential options open and work would be done with SEBS as they looked at the business case in much more detail.
157.4 Councillor Morgan welcomed the report, and agreed that the correct approach was to consider all options and noted it was important that as much information be shared with the staff and unions as possible.
157.5 Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the report as an opportunity to find the best solution, and congratulated Officers for their work.
157.6 Councillor Randall also welcomed the report and stated it was important the Council join as a founder; he was of the view there would be more of this collaborative working between local authorities in future.
157.8 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
157.9 RESOLVED: That the Committee:
1) Approve full exploration of SEBs shared services as a founding member, including the business case development, whilst remaining open to alternative models in parallel. If appropriate, further approval to progress Joint Committee membership would be sought at a later stage.
2) Notes the ongoing work to develop an internal trading model, which could be required for any future service delivery model.