Issue - items at meetings - Waiver report

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Issue - meetings

Waiver report

Meeting: 09/07/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 25)

25 Waiver report pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


That Policy & Resources Committee notes the number and value of waivers authorised under Contract Standing Orders 18.2, 18.3 and 18.4 during the financial year 2014/2015.


25.1       The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to Waivers of Contract Standing Order 2014-15. The report set out all waivers authorised under CSO 18.2, 18.3 and 18.4 that related to the 2014/15 financial year.


25.2       In response to Councillor Sykes it was clarified that there was standardised process to be followed in relation to waivers; the Head of Law added that the new Procurement Board would be able to look at value for money in contracts.


25.3       The chair put the recommendations to the vote:


25.4       RESOLVED - That the Committee notes the number and value of waivers authorised under Contract Standing Orders 18.2, 18.3 and 18.4 during the financial year 2014/2015.


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