Issue - items at meetings - Refuse, Recycling & Street Cleansing Service Review and Priorities

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Refuse, Recycling & Street Cleansing Service Review and Priorities

Meeting: 09/07/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 27)

27 Refuse, Recycling & Street Cleansing Service Review and Priorities pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1)               That the Committee note the priorities and actions set out in the Service Plan for 2015/16 at Appendix 1.


2)               That the Committee agrees the establishment of a commercial waste collection service within the parameters set out in the report and authorises the Executive Director of Finance and Resources and the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing to implement the operational arrangements.


3)               That the Committee agrees in principle to the procurement of a contract to support Cityclean in the provision of waste and littering enforcement activity.  A detailed business plan and procurement strategy will be presented to Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee for approval.


4)               That the Committee approves the development of a more detailed 5 year Waste, Street Cleansing and Recycling Service Plan incorporating the key actions in this report and revising long term targets and objectives set out in the existing Waste Management Strategy.  The plan, which will be subject to public consultation, will be available for adoption by March 2016.


27.1       The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to Cityclean Service Plan and Priorities. The report set out the main findings of the service review; the priorities in the delivery plan for the service over the coming years.


27.2       Councillor Mitchell thanked Officers for the report and stated that the administration had brought the strategy paper forward to address the impact of funding reductions to the service; low customers satisfaction rate; low recycling rates and problems with fly-tipping. The report also set out the earlier steps towards greater income generation streams in the service; a cost neutral garden waste collection and other new initiatives.


27.3       Councillor Janio welcomed the report; he highlighted the good management within the service and the need to look at new ways of doing things. He went on to query whether the council should bid to provide services, such as commercial waste collection, that were already provided by the private sector.


27.4       Councillor Sykes welcomed the report and noted his support for the content; however, he emphasised that much of this work had started under the previous Green administration and highlighted there should be some recognition of the work that had already taken place.


27.5       In response to queries raised by Councillor Wealls the Executive Director and the Head of City Clean & Parks explained that the council intended to work towards intelligent equipment that could monitor capacity and provide greater service efficiency. It was already known from surveying work and spot checking that many businesses were using the large on-street residential bins; with this in mind the Council was already collecting a proportion of the commercial waste in the city. In terms of making the service a workers mutual this model had not been ruled out by the management team, but it was highlighted there was low support for this option from the staff body. Whilst there remained a risk of industrial action from the service; the Council continued to work closely with the trade unions. In relation to advertising on bins it was noted that whilst this could be controversial it had not been ruled out as an option. Work in relation to enforcement through the use of CCTV could be discussed with the Lead Member and potentially be brought to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee for decision.


27.6       Councillor A. Norman noted her support for roundabout sponsorship and made particular example of the roundabout in Patcham at the end of the A27.


27.7       Councillor G. Theobald noted his support for the report, but stressed that the service needed significant modernisation and improvements to communication between the contact centre and the collection crews. In response to queries from Councillor G. Theobald the Head of Service clarified that close with HR was being undertaken to improve absence levels, and where speeding tickets were issued to fleet drivers; the fine and the licence points were the responsibility of the driver.


27.8       The Chair put the recommendations to the vote:


27.9       RESOLVED:


1)        That the Committee note the priorities and actions set out in the Service Plan for 2015/16 at Appendix 1.


2)        That the Committee agrees the establishment of a commercial waste collection service within the parameters set out in the report and authorises the Executive Director of Finance and Resources and the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing to implement the operational arrangements.


3)        That the Committee agrees in principle to the procurement of a contract to support Cityclean in the provision of waste and littering enforcement activity.  A detailed business plan and procurement strategy will be presented to Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee for approval.


4)        That the Committee approves the development of a more detailed 5 year Waste, Street Cleansing and Recycling Service Plan incorporating the key actions in this report and revising long term targets and objectives set out in the existing Waste Management Strategy.  The plan, which will be subject to public consultation, will be available for adoption by March 2016.


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