Issue - items at meetings - Disposal of Land at Eastbrook Farm Site

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Issue - meetings

Disposal of Land at Eastbrook Farm Site

Meeting: 09/07/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 34)

34 Disposal of Land at Eastbrook Farm Site pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1)               That Committee authorises the disposal of 3.7 Acres on a freehold basis due to the level of interest from a special purchaser who requires a freehold purchase and noting the highly constrained nature of the site. 


2)               The detailed terms to be agreed by the Executive Director of Finance & Resources, Assistant Director Property & Design and Head of Law.



34.1       The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to Disposal of Land at Eastbrook Farm Site. The report sought agreement for the freehold disposal of approximately 3.7 acres of land at Eastbrook Farm, Old Shoreham Road, Southwick, West Sussex. The disposal would realise an important capital receipt to support the Council’s future corporate Capital Investment Programme within the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


34.2       It was confirmed to Councillor Mac Cafferty that work had taken place with the tenants of the allotments at the site; all the allotments had been relocated and the those affected had been paid a small amount of compensation.


34.3       Councillor Hamilton noted he welcomed the report.


34.4       The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote:


34.5       RESOLVED:


1)        That Committee authorises the disposal of 3.7 Acres on a freehold basis due to the level of interest from a special purchaser who requires a freehold purchase and noting the highly constrained nature of the site. 


2)        The detailed terms to be agreed by the Executive Director of Finance & Resources, Assistant Director Property & Design and Head of Law.


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