Issue - items at meetings - Review of Appointments to Council Bodies, Partnerships and Outside Bodieseliz

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Issue - meetings

Review of Appointments to Council Bodies, Partnerships and Outside Bodieseliz

Meeting: 09/07/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 36)

36 Review of Appointments to Council Bodies, Partnerships and Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


That the Committee nominates and approves the appointment of members to the bodies set out at in the amended Appendix One.


36.1       The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services in relation to Review of Appointments to Council Bodies, Partnerships and Outside Bodies. The report reviewed the existing bodies where Member appointments were in place and proposes the re-appointment of Members where there was either a requirement or it was considered desirable for other reasons.


36.2       Both Councillors Janio and Wealls withdrew their names for nomination to Brighton & Hove Estates Conservation Trust and the East Sussex Pension Board respectively to allow the other named nominee to be appointed.


36.3       The Chair noted that whilst the Council was no longer formally appointing to some bodies this would not prevent Members remaining involved.


36.4       The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote:


36.5       RESOLVED - That the Committee nominates and approves the appointment of members to the bodies set out at in the amended Appendix One.


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