Issue - items at meetings - Adults & Children with Autism Scrutiny Panel Monitoring
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Adults & Children with Autism Scrutiny Panel Monitoring
Meeting: 03/02/2016 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)
52 Adults & Children with Autism Scrutiny Panel Monitoring PDF 212 KB
Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached).
52.1 Natalya Garzon, Commissioning & Performance Manager and Jenny Brickell, Head of Integrated Children's Development & Disability Service, introduced the report and outlined the four main topics to review and improve. These were; joint children’s and adult’s priorities, mental health diagnosis pathways, carers, and training and awareness raising.
52.2 The Commissioning & Performance Manager outlined three key areas within all the main topics; transition between children and adult services, pathways to services and raising awareness. It was stated that a clearer diagnostic pathway for adults had been introduced and the CCG were looking into funding it further and training for Primary Care is being explored.
52.3 The Head of Integrated Children’s Development & Disability Service added that they wish to reduce the diagnosing waiting time for children with autism.
52.4 The Commissioning & Performance Manager clarified to the Committee that their team have established training on autism and have been delivering this training to all areas whilst providing ongoing support to individuals with autism and their employers.
52.5 In response to Councillor Wares, the Commissioning & Performance Manager explained that the Autism Champions Network is an opportunity for Champions to meet, share experiences together and be able to go back to where they work/live and raise awareness.
52.6 In response to Councillor Page, Ms Brickell clarified that children may not meet the criteria for help from services, however; the team were exploring what learning support services provide and the current support services available for children in school.
52.7 RESOLVED – That the Committee –
1) Noted the content of the update
2) That a further update is provided on progress in developing a joint strategy in February 2017.