Issue - items at meetings - Deputations
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Meeting: 06/11/2008 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 60)
(The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 30 October 2008)
(i) Deputation concerning road safety in Highdown Road (copy attached).
60.1 The Cabinet Member reported that one deputation had been referred from Council on 9 October 2008. It concerned issues of road safety in Highdown Road (for copy see minute book).
60.2 The Cabinet Member stated that he had provided a response at Council and that he now had further information to report.
60.3 That Cabinet Member asserted that whilst the Police accident data for Highdown Road showed that injury accidents were not occurring in the location, and the speed survey found that traffic speeds seemed to be reasonably well complied with, he recognised that traffic flows in the area had changed since the completion of the new pedestrian facilities. The Cabinet Member had asked officers to monitor the situation carefully and to organise a meeting with Mr. Shaw on site to discuss the concerns that have been raised, and to explore possible solutions. The Cabinet Member reported that, although Mr Shaw had been unable to attend due to work commitments, officers had visited the site and identified measures that would be implemented: to complement the existing junction entry treatment and slow markings, a further slow marking for westbound traffic would be added further down the hill and a children warning sign would be added in Highdown Road to warn drivers turning into Highdown Road of the presence of children in the road.
60.4 RESOLVED – That the deputation be noted.