Issue - items at meetings - Trans Needs Assessment Findings and Recommendations

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Issue - meetings

Trans Needs Assessment Findings and Recommendations

Meeting: 15/12/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 45)

45 Trans Needs Assessment Findings and Recommendations pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Additional documents:


Meeting: 05/10/2015 - Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee (Item 24)

24 Trans Needs Assessment Findings and Recommendations pdf icon PDF 512 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached)

Additional documents:


24.1    The Committee considered a report of the Director of Public Health detailing the Trans Needs Assessment Findings and recommendations.


24.2    It was explained that the council’s commitment to reducing inequality and ensuring fairness in the city for all its communities was set out in the Corporate Plan. In 2013 a scrutiny panel had been established to better understand and highlight the challenges facing trans people in the city and had made a number of recommendations for change. A key recommendation had been to undertake the first ever Trans Need Assessment for the city. This report was intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of current and future needs of local trans people to inform commissioning and delivery services across the city in order to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities.


24.3    A presentation was given by Public Health Consultant, Alistair Hill which sought to give a comprehensive overview of the work which had been undertaken in concert with the Trans Needs Assessment Steering Group and other partners and as a result of community collaboration. The recommendations agreed by the steering group had been formulated on the basis of the evidence received and the findings had already been fed back to the trans community.


24.4    It was explained that this work had been carried out in the context of the Trans Equality Scrutiny Report, published in 2013, the Brighton & Hove Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Trans Needs Assessment Steering Group. The methodology adopted had involved community research conducted by Brighton University and the Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard, interviews with other stakeholders, analysis of data received and call out for evidence. Key findings of the survey had indicated that in the last five years nearly four out of five respondents had experienced depression and one in three had self-harmed. Counselling support was limited. Respondents had also reported that they had experienced verbal abuse, harassment, physical violence or sexual assault. At some point in the past six in ten reported that they had experienced domestic violence and one in three had experienced homelessness. Highly valued community and voluntary sector services cited as being highly valued had included, safe space, peer support, drop-ins and volunteering opportunities.


24.5    In closing, the next steps to be taken in terms of action planning and reporting were set out. The Equality and Inclusion Partnership Trans Sub Group would  be d  this forward. All members had been asked to review the TNA recommendations which applied to them to enable set a timescale for action to inform the action plan which would then be developed further. The subgroup would monitor the plan and report regularly to Equip, it was intended that the final annual report on the outcome of the action plan drawn up after the Scrutiny report and next steps going forward would be presented to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee in January 2016.


24.6    The Clinical Commissioning Group invitee, Geraldine Hoban welcomed the report which she stated highlighted that whilst good quality cross- cutting work was taking place with health partners and providers it was clear further work was needed in order to ensure that services were more accessible. The provision of specialist services was not at an acceptable level, especially in terms of waiting times and this needed to be addressed. Councillor Moonan, the Deputy Chair asked regarding the most appropriate means for the Committee to express its frustration that this issue needed to be addressed at national level and to feed that through in such manner that NHS England was held to account in. The Director of Public Health suggested that the most appropriate way forward would be for the Committees’ observations be passed forward to the Health and Wellbeing Board with a recommendation that the Board carry this matter forward.


24.7    The Head of Communities and Third Sector, Emma McDermott explained that in addition to the work detailed in the report the council had been invited to join the Rainbow Cities Network, based in the Netherlands. The network was carrying out trailblazing collaborative work and would provide an opportunity to showcase the work carried out in the city whilst providing opportunities to identify a EU partner to bid for additional funding. Twenty European cities were currently members of the network and Brighton would be the first city in England to join the network. This represented an excellent opportunity for the city and it was recommended that the Committee give approval to join this network.


24.8    Councillor Horan considered that it was important to acknowledge the cross-party work which had been carried forward over a number of years in order to arrive at the current position; a lot of hard work had taken place. Councillor Marsh also commended this excellent work.


24.9    The Chair, Councillor Daniel welcomed the input given also commending the excellent work that had taken place to date. The Chair put the recommendations to the vote including the additional ones put forward and all were agreed.


24.10  RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee notes and approves the findings of the needs assessment;


            (2) The Committee notes the role of the Equalities and Inclusion Partnership (EQUIP) Trans Subgroup in developing an action plan in response to the recommendations;


            (3) The Committee gives approval for the city to join the Rainbow Cities Network; and


            (4) That the Committees’ concerns and frustrations in respect of waiting lists and access to health pathways especially in relation to specialist services be conveyed to the Health and Well Being Board requesting that that they seek to bring leverage to bear to facilitate innovative solutions by NHS England.


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