Issue - items at meetings - Update on the Fairness Commission – October 2015
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Update on the Fairness Commission – October 2015
Meeting: 05/10/2015 - Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee (Item 21)
Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached)
Additional documents:
21.1 The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive detailing progress made to date on the establishment of the Brighton and Hove Fairness Commission.
21.2 It was noted that at its July meeting, the Committee had received a report setting out the proposed details on the ways of working for the Brighton and Hove Fairness Commission including its draft terms of reference. These had been agreed and the report before them that day was intended to provide an update on the progress to date in establishing the Fairness Commission.
21.3 It was noted that, the Chair, Councillor Daniel and Councillors Simson and Littman would sit on the Committee as observers and that in accordance with the recommendations to the Policy and Resources Committee on 11 June 2015, the Chair and Commissioners had made a number of suggestions for additional Commissioners and these had been followed up subsequently. The process by which the Commission would be delivered were outlined, evidence and solutions would be gathered through a range of methods.
21.4 In answer to questions it was explained that the Commission’s meeting scheduled for 14 October would be held in closed session to enable wide ranging discussions to take place to enable themes and lines of enquiry to be agreed upon. All subsequent meetings would explore these themes, would be public and would take place at a series of venues across the city.
21.5 The Chair, Councillor Daniel explained that updates on progress of the Commission and its work would appear on subsequent agendas as a standing item.
21.6 The Chair put the recommendation to the vote.
21.7 RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee notes the progress made to date; and
(2) Requests an update on the work of the Fairness Commission at its Committee meetings during the period of the Commission’s work.