Issue - items at meetings - Learning Disability Accommodation Service

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Issue - meetings

Learning Disability Accommodation Service

Meeting: 04/11/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 70)

70 Learning Disability Accommodation Service pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Adult Services (to follow).

Additional documents:



1)        That the Committee agrees to a three month consultation with all service users, including their carers and advocates as appropriate, who currently live in the Council’s directly provided supported housing and residential care services. The purpose of the consultation will be to look at what alternative options there are to re-provide the care and support so that it meets service users individual needs, provides value for money, and delivers financial efficiencies over the next four years. The options are:


i)          That people are supported to move to alternative accommodation that meets their needs and can be provided in a more cost effective way.

ii)        That people are supported to receive a personal budget and alternative accommodation.

iii)       That people remain in their existing homes and receive their care and support from another provider.

2)        That at the end of the consultation period a report is brought back to this committee with recommendations about how the services could be re-provided to achieve the these aims.


70.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Adults’ Services in relation to the Learning Disability Accommodation Service. The report proposed that, due to the financial position, the Council should no longer provide an accommodation service for people with a learning disability, but instead people should receive an accommodation service provided by the independent sector through procurement arrangements with the Council.


70.2    Councillor K. Norman noted that the report reflected the changing nature of adult social care and the desire of more service users to live in a more integrated manner, but added that some would need close monitoring of their provision and service. He added that the Conservative Group supported the reports and the recommendation, but not the amendment that had been tabled by the Green Group.


70.3    Councillor Mac Cafferty moved an amendment on behalf of the Green Group and stated that there was concern some service users would have to be moved against their wishes; some of which would have been in their accommodation for some years. He added that the personalisation agenda should allow service users to be empowered, and felt this approach undermined that ethos.


70.4    Councillor Sykes seconded the amendment, and added that it sought to provide a full and honest consultation; especially given the strength of feeling around changes from service users.


70.5    The Chair put the proposed Green Group amendment to the vote, this was lost.


70.6    The Chair then put the substantive recommendations to the vote.


70.7    RESOLVED:


1)        That the Committee agrees to a three month consultation with all service users, including their carers and advocates as appropriate, who currently live in the Council’s directly provided supported housing and residential care services. The purpose of the consultation will be to look at what alternative options there are to re-provide the care and support so that it meets service users individual needs, provides value for money, and delivers financial efficiencies over the next four years. The options are:


i)          That people are supported to move to alternative accommodation that meets their needs and can be provided in a more cost effective way.

ii)        That people are supported to receive a personal budget and alternative accommodation.

iii)       That people remain in their existing homes and receive their care and support from another provider.

2)        That at the end of the consultation period a report is brought back to this committee with recommendations about how the services could be re-provided to achieve the these aims.


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