Issue - items at meetings - Corporate Procurement of Renewable Energy Supplies

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Issue - meetings

Corporate Procurement of Renewable Energy Supplies

Meeting: 03/12/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 88)

88 Corporate Procurement of Renewable Electricity Energy Supplies pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

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That Policy & Resources Committee notes the decision made by the Assistant Director (Property and Design) in conjunction with the Chair of the Policy & Resources Committee taken under urgency powers to transfer our corporate electricity supplies within our existing and future supply contracts from a 100% renewable energy tariff to a standard tariff for value for money reasons.


88.1       The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to Corporate Procurement of Renewable Electricity Energy Supplies. The report complied with the requirements of the Scheme of Delegation to report to Committees actions taken in cases of urgency, following consultation with the Committee Chair, where it was not reasonably practicable to obtain prior Committee approval.


88.2       Councillor Sykes highlighted that this change had arisen form change in Central Government policy.


88.3       The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.


88.4       RESOLVED - That Committee notes the decision made by the Assistant Director (Property and Design) in conjunction with the Chair of the Policy & Resources Committee taken under urgency powers to transfer our corporate electricity supplies within our existing and future supply contracts from a 100% renewable energy tariff to a standard tariff for value for money reasons.


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