Issue - items at meetings - Fees & Charges 2016/17 - Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
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Fees & Charges 2016/17 - Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Meeting: 11/02/2016 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 124)
124 Fees & Charges 2016/17 - Assistant Chief Executive Directorate PDF 154 KB
Report of the Assistance Chief Executive (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1a - Libraries & Information Services Fees & Charges 2016-17, item 124 PDF 201 KB View as HTML (124/2) 217 KB
- Appendix 1b - Libraries & Information Services - Comparisons with other authorities, item 124 PDF 41 KB View as HTML (124/3) 72 KB
- Appendix 2 - Seafront Fees Charges 2016-17, item 124 PDF 36 KB
- Appendix 3 - Sports Facilities Fees and Charges 201617, item 124 PDF 129 KB
- Appendix 4 - Brighton Centre Fees Charges 2016-17_v1, item 124 PDF 20 KB
- Appendix 5 - Outdoor Events Fees Charges 2016-17_v1, item 124 PDF 15 KB
- Webcast for Fees & Charges 2016/17 - Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
1) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Libraries and Information Services for 2016/17 in Appendix 1.
2) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Seafront for 2016/17 in Appendix 2.
3) That the committee approves the increase in the Beach Hut Licence Fee to achieve a budget saving as per 3.3.4.
4) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Sports Facilities for 2016/17 in Appendix 3.
5) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Brighton Centre for 2016/17 in Appendix 4.
6) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Outdoor Events for 2016/17 in Appendix 5.
7) That the committee grants delegated authority for officers to negotiate hire fees where commercially necessary outside the approved fees & charges.
124.1 The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive in relation to Fees & Charges 2016/17 – Assistant Chief Executive Directorate. The fees and charges for services were reviewed annually in line with the Corporate Fees & Charges Policy; the policy required that any proposed increases over and above the corporate rate of inflation be agreed by the appropriate service Committee. The combined report presented the review of fees and charges across five service areas: libraries, seafront, sports facilities, Brighton Centre and outdoor events – the changes would be implemented from April 2016.
124.2 In response to Councillor Wealls it was explained that the proposed above inflation increase for sports facilities was retained by the operator; Freedom Leisure were a ‘not for profit’ organisation and the contract was viewed as a partnership between them and the authority.
124.3 In response to Councillor Sykes the Assistant Chief Executive explained that the Brighton Centre operated as a commercial venture; the manager there would be working to keep up the profile during the run in to the Waterfront redevelopment and there was inbuilt flexibility in the charging policy.
124.4 In response to Councillor Sykes the Head of Libraries explained that historically the authority had differed from comparator authorities by not having fees for children and young people, and the proposed fees was being partially used as a means to address the shortfall in income, there was also a reduction each year in income from traditional charges – the alternative solution would be to consider a reduction in spending on new books.
125.5 Councillor Hamilton highlighted the position of the authority was to keep libraries open, and this was being achieved in the context of many other local authorities closing facilities.
125.6 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
1) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Libraries and Information Services for 2016/17 in Appendix 1.
2) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Seafront for 2016/17 in Appendix 2.
3) That the committee approves the increase in the Beach Hut Licence Fee to achieve a budget saving as per 3.3.4.
4) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Sports Facilities for 2016/17 in Appendix 3.
5) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Brighton Centre for 2016/17 in Appendix 4.
6) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Outdoor Events for 2016/17 in Appendix 5.
7) That the committee grants delegated authority for officers to negotiate hire fees where commercially necessary outside the approved fees & charges.