Issue - items at meetings - Acceptance of CIVITAS funding and Stage One Research
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Acceptance of CIVITAS funding and Stage One Research
Meeting: 16/10/2008 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 93)
93 Acceptance of CIVITAS funding and Stage One Research PDF 101 KB
Report of the Director of Environment (copy to follow)
That the Cabinet accepts the EU funding to initiate Stage 1 of the CIVITAS project, this will involve some research and feasibility design for the projects in the CIVITAS programme (see Appendix I of the report).
93.1 The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment that sought formal acceptance of CIVITAS (City-VITAlity-Sustainability) funding, following the offer made by the EU in accordance with the approval deadline.
93.2 Councillor Mitchell welcomed the report and the funding that it attracted. She hoped that the feasibility studies would generate projects that would be deliverable.
93.3 The Chairman noted two typographical errors in the report;
a) Reference to ‘CMM’ at parapgraph1.5 of the report should read ‘Cabinet’.
b) At paragraph 3.7 of the report the following sentence
‘ …This report seeks approval to accept this additional grant funding and progress to Stage 1 after approximately 12 months, with the aim of returning to a future Cabinet for an update and further approval to progress to Stage 2.’
Should read;
‘…This report seeks approval to accept this additional grant funding and progress to Stage 2 after approximately 12 months, with the aim of returning to a future Cabinet for an update and further approval to progress to Stage 3.’
93.4 The Cabinet accepted the minor typographical alterations.
93.5 RESOLVED - That the Cabinet accepts the EU funding to initiate Stage 1 of the CIVITAS project, this will involve some research and feasibility design for the projects in the CIVITAS programme (see Appendix I of the report).