Issue - items at meetings - Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016: Consultation Draft

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Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016: Consultation Draft

Meeting: 14/03/2016 - Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee (Item 59)

59 Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016: Consultation Draft pdf icon PDF 250 KB

Joint report of the Executive Director of Adult Services and the Acting Director of Environment, Development and Housing (copy attached)

Additional documents:


59.1    The Committee considered a joint report of the Executive Director, Adult Services and Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing detailing the proposed Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016: Consultation Draft.


59.2    It was explained that the issue of rough sleeping had become more acute with a visibly increased presence of rough sleepers on the city’s streets. This not only impacted on the life chances of the individuals concerned, but on the city’s reputation and costs to public services and businesses. The city’s current approach to rough sleeping was being re-assessed to ensure that the city’s commissioners, service providers and those supporting people sleeping rough sleeping in the city and to improve outcomes for people sleeping rough and those at risk of rough sleeping. The report before the Committee presented the draft “Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016” and was requesting permission to carry out formal consultation to shape the final version that would be brought back for adoption later in the year.


59.3    It was noted that subject to the report being accepted, officers intended to consult on the draft between 16 March and 17 April 2016. As part of that consultation there would be workshops for service providers and community organisations, online consultation for all residents and businesses through the council’s consultation portal, those people working with people sleeping rough would be encouraged to ensure that their clients had a voice in responding to the consultation.


59.4    It was noted that following discussion of this report at the recent meeting of the Housing and New Homes Committee It was suggested that recommendation 2.1 (3) be amended to read as follows:


            “2.1 That the Neighbourhoods Communities and Equalities Committee:


            (1) Approves the consultation draft of the Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016 (Appendix 1);


            (2) Authorises the Executive Director, Adult Services and the Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing to carry out consultation on the draft strategy;


            (3) Notes that it is intended for the final strategy to come back to meetings of this Committee and the Housing & New Homes Committee for formal adoption and permission to implement.


59.5    The Deputy Head of Law, Elizabeth Culbert, explained that it was proposed that, following the conclusion of the consultation, the strategy be considered by the Neighbourhoods, Communities Committee first before being considered by the Housing and New Homes Committee later on the same day.


59.6    Councillor Moonan stated that officers and partner organisations who had been involved in the consultation process to date were to be commended for their concerted hard work and for the level of engagement that had taken place to date.


59.7    Councillor Simson stated that she was not a member of the Housing and New Homes Committee but was surprised that it was now proposed that meetings of the two committees were intended to take place separately. The report before NCE Committee appeared to be was written primarily for Housing Committee and she thought that it had been decided to put any subsequent report to a joint meeting in order to avoid duplication of any lengthy debate which might take place. Councillor Simson stated that she was concerned that in the absence of a joint meeting if the Housing and New Homes Committee had different views of the NCE Committee this Committees’ recommendations could be overturned. Councillor Moonan concurred in that view stating that it was important for this Committees’ role to be recognised.


59.8    Councillor Bell commended the strategy being adopted which in his view sought to address the issue in a pragmatic and practical way. It was important to be mindful that a number of individuals found themselves in this situation due to circumstances beyond their control, not as a matter of choice. There were clearly however, some individuals who did not want to be helped at any given point enquiring regarding strategies in place to address that. The Housing Strategy Manager, Andy Staniford, explained that individuals could refuse assistance/advice offered; this was an issue being looked at, especially in relation to instances where it was considered that there were mental capacity issues. John Child who was in attendance on behalf of the Clinical Commissioning Group detailed the health/mental health approaches/support which were being used in concert with other agencies and partners.


59.9    The Chair, Councillor Daniel referred to the importance of a joined up approach which took on board the health care issues and sought to deter and prevent rough sleeping by having robust alternatives in place. The recent summit which taken place had highlighted the very poor quality of some of the emergency accommodation available, this was an issue which needed to be addressed. Councillor Moonan who had also attended the summit concurred in that view.


59.10  Councillor Littman stated that the seriousness of this issue could not be understated noting that innovative approaches were needed to address this holistically. The high cost of rented accommodation and gap in the affordable housing market in the city only served to exacerbate these problems.


59.11  Councillor Simson stated that ultimately whilst arrangements to get people off the street and into a safe and secure place to sleep addressed the immediate problem, ultimately the solution was to provide permanent housing. People needed to be supported to do so and a holistic multidisciplinary approach was what was needed.


59.12  Councillor Simson proposed that in order to reflect the points raised during discussion that the final report to be referred to Full Council for debate and decision that any resolutions made by the Committee needed to be amended to reflect that. Councillor Moonan seconded that and the Members of the Committee who were present voted unanimously that this should be so (Resolution 3 below refers).


59.13  RESOLVED – That the Neighbourhoods Communities and Equalities Committee:


            (1) Approves the consultation draft of the Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016 (Appendix 1);


            (2) Authorises the Executive Director, Adult Services and the Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing to carry out consultation on the draft strategy;


            (3) Notes that it is intended for the final strategy to come back to meetings of this Committee and the Housing & New Homes Committee for formal adoption and permission to implement and that this Committee resolves that at that stage the further report on this matter be forwarded to Full Council for approval of any recommendations contained therein.


Note 1: It was decided subsequently that the updated report referred to above would be considered by each of this Committee and the Housing, Neighbourhoods and New Homes Committee at their next scheduled meetings respectively, rather than at separate meetings to be held on the same day (paragraph 59.4).


Note 2: Councillors Barnett, Bell, Gibson were absent having left the meeting during consideration and discussion of the above item.


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