Issue - items at meetings - Response to the Publicy Accessible Toilets Scrutiny Panel Report
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Response to the Publicy Accessible Toilets Scrutiny Panel Report
Meeting: 03/02/2016 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)
48 Response to the Publicy Accessible Toilets Scrutiny Panel Report PDF 128 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Environment Development and Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Upadte on Scrutiny Panel Recommendations, item 48 PDF 213 KB View as HTML (48/2) 42 KB
- Appendix 3 Map Showing Public Toilets and Proposed Changes, item 48 PDF 4 MB
48.1 Jan Jonker, Head of Strategy & Projects, introduced the report and explained that it was the second update report to come to Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
48.2 The Head of Strategy & Projects detailed to the Committee that there are 39 dedicated public toilets in the city, as well as public toilets in libraries and public buildings. It was added that the “Use Our Loo” scheme, where businesses open their loos to public members, is being promoted.
48.3 It was explained that the public toilets in the city cost £855,000 per annum in staffing, cleaning costs and utilities.
48.4 Mr Jonker explained to the Committee that the West Pier Arches public toilets were a new facility and had introduced a charge to contribute to the costs of running. This had been successful.
48.5 The Head of Strategy & Projects stated to the Committee that subject to the final budget setting process, they are likely to have make budget cuts of £170,000. He explained that they would be looking at utilities costs, closure of toilets, reducing provision; in addition, also analysing the footfall on the sites and seasonal variation.
48.6 In response to the Youth Council representative, it was explained that the public toilets on the seafront were the busiest in the city and they were exploring the idea of having one toilet attendant monitoring all the seafront toilets.
48.7 Mr Jonker explained to Councillor Peltzer Dunn that they had been speaking to local businesses and encouraged them to join “Use Our Loo” scheme; however, the response was not positive as businesses wanted to keep the toilets for customer use only or they were not insured for the public to use the staff toilets.
48.8 In response to Councillor Allen, it was detailed that they had inquired into encouraging café toilets to be open to the public. Mr Jonker explained that Preston Park in Brighton had two sets of public toilets and it could be possible to make one set of toilets part of the café, which would still be open to the public, but they would be the café’s responsibility. Councillor Wares added that he was unhappy that the toilets in Preston Park were refurbished with the money from the parking scheme and that the toilets could be closed.
48.9 The Chair stated that she was aware that in some authorities, they issued toilet tokens to rough sleepers or other people who might be disadvantaged by any toilet charges being introduced. This had helped reduce any potential increase in street fouling. The Head of Strategy and Projects said that he would include the suggestion in his final report.
48.9 Councillor Page requested that the Committee received a third monitoring report. The Committee agreed.
48.10 RESOLVED – That the report be noted and a further update report to come to Overview & Scrutiny Committee in twelve months.