Issue - items at meetings - Neighbourhood Hubs and Community Collaboration

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Issue - meetings

Neighbourhood Hubs and Community Collaboration

Meeting: 11/07/2016 - Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee (Item 14)

14 Neighbourhoods and Communities Programme pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Report of the Chief Executive, Acting Executive Director of Economy, Environment and Culture, Acting Director of Public Health and Executive Director of Finance and Resources (copy attached)

Additional documents:


14.1    The Committee considered a joint report of the Chief Executive, Acting Executive Director, Economy, Environment and Culture. Acting Director of Public Health and Executive Director for Finance and Resources, the purpose of which was to provide members with an update on two of the council’s modernisation programmes: city neighbourhood hubs (Appendix 1) and community collaboration (Appendix 2), following their endorsement at the Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee in November 2015.


14.2    The Chief Executive introduced the report stating that he was doing so in order to show that there was buy in to the Programme across the Council from the top down. As part of the update from the November meeting of the Committee, additional information had been provided on the Enforcement and Inspection Modernisation Programme (Appendix 3) and details had also been showing how the three programmes had been brought together under the Neighbourhoods and Communities Modernisation Board which he Chaired. All of these elements together formed the component parts of the council’s changing approach to working with communities at neighbourhood and city wide level. It was also important to note that work in relation to Local Action Teams would also be drawn into the work of the Board as well as the modernisation programme for libraries and housing, a result of the creation of the new Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing Directorate.


14.3    The Chairman, Councillor Daniel welcomed the work that had been undertaken in bringing this report forward and the clear explanation given as to how it was envisaged the programme would evolve in practice.


14.4    The Environmental Health Manager, Annie Sparks explained how the enforcement and inspection programmes would operate in future. The Senior Improvement Consultant, Value for Money and Workstyles, Ben Miles and the Assistant Director Property and Design, Angela Dymott explained how the other constituent programmes would dovetail together.


14.5    Councillor Lewry noted that housing was one of the areas being looked at sought clarification as to why Hangleton and Knoll had been chosen as one of the pilot areas also seeking confirmation that hubs would be rolled out across the city as a whole. It was explained that the resources were in place for Hangleton and Knoll, that there was already a hub based on the Whitehawk area and that these would be implemented across the city incrementally.


14.6    The Chair, Councillor Daniel stated that if it was considered that the council was not the “best” front door for service delivery in some instances, how that would be addressed. It was explained that strong business cases would need to be forward in every instance and a detailed assessment would need to be made. The Chief Executive explained that was why in depth preparatory work at this stage would be so important.


14.7    Councillor Moonan explained that the four integrated strands of work which clearly underlined this piece of work were integral to its future success and was pleased at the level of preparatory work being undertaken at this pilot stage. It was explained in answer to further questions that the detailed buildings assessment being undertaken was anticipated to take six months and would inform the process.


14.8    Councillor Bell commended the work undertaken and the excellent report submitted enquiring whether it was possible to provide a timeline for completion at this stage. The Chief Executive explained that following further consultation it was hoped that this information would be available at the next scheduled meeting of the Committee. It was however, important that community consultees felt that that they were guiding the process rather than being imposed upon by it.


14.9    Councillor Penn commended this new approach referring to her own ward and the joined up streamlined approach which was being used for example in relation to the handling of noise complaints. The process sought to address problems expeditiously and without duplication.


14.10  Councillor Simson was supportive of the programme but had some concerns that monies generated from the sale of assets for example could just end up “lost” in the overall corporate “pot”. Councillor Littman considered the point to be well made, a lot of this work was new work which was in fact not “new” work although it represented new approaches. It was important that the impetus was not lost due to lack of funding going forward. The Chief Executive explained that all options would undergo detailed scrutiny and would inform the decisions carried forward to budget council. Ultimately, decisions would lie with Members who be provided with detailed information in order to guide that process.


14.11  Joanna Martindale, Hangleton and Knoll Project stated that she was pleased to note that what differing approaches would be used in different parts of the city dependent on local need. In some localities the focus would be on buildings but that would not be the same in every instance. The Chair, Councillor Daniel agreed.


14.12  A vote was taken and Members voted unanimously in support of the recommendations.


14.3    RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee notes the work undertaken so far by the city neighbourhoods, the community collaboration and the enforcement and inspection programmes; and


            (2) That the Committee gives agreement for all three work programmes to be worked up as detailed financial business cases and that it be acknowledged that there was a need to define the resources required to scope and produce business cases and deliver the implementation phases for all three programmes.


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