Issue - items at meetings - Public Involvement

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Issue - meetings

Public Involvement

Meeting: 22/09/2016 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 16)

16 Public Involvement pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


(a)      Petitions: to receive any petitions presented to the full council or at the meeting itself;


i)       Designate St Aubyns Playing Field, Rottingdean as Local Green Space – Lead Petitioner Lynne Moss (SAFE)


(b)      Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 15 September 2016;


(c)      Deputations: to receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 15 September 2016.

Additional documents:


16.1    The Chair noted there was one petition referred from Council on 21 July 2016 in relation to the designation of St. Aubyns Playing Field as a local green space. There was also an amendment on behalf of the Green Group; the Chair called on Councillor Druitt to propose the amendment and Councillor Mac Cafferty to second it.


16.2    Councillor Druitt moved the amendment and asked for a legal view to be given on it; as the Green Group sought to use it to ensure that the will of Council, in relation to the designation of the land, was implemented in accordance with the resolution at the meeting held on 19 March 2015. Councillor Druitt noted his view that the powers of the Committee were limited in respect of its ability to formally designate the land as local green space.


16.3    Councillor Mac Cafferty formally seconded the amendment.


16.4    In response the Legal Advisor to the Committee explained that the land could only be designated through a local plan or neighbourhood plan; the creation and adoption of which was the subject of consultation and a specific statutory process. The process would include consultation examination and would need to be accordance with the NPPF; however, the role of the Committee to consider a plan would come at a later stage following this consultation, as such the Committee was not in possession of the full facts to make a decision in relation to recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 in the amendment. In respect of recommendation 2.3, in relation to viability, it was explained that all major schemes where viability might be an issue would have to come before the Planning Committee for consideration, as set out in the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. Where viability might relate to a minor scheme; there would need to be an express change to Officers Delegations in the Council’s Constitution to enable this, and such a recommendation was not within the gift of the Committee.


16.5    Councillor Druitt withdrew his amendment of the basis that it was not legally sound.


16.6    RESOLVED – That the Committee note the petition.


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