Issue - items at meetings - Old Town Conservation Area Appraisal

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Issue - meetings

Old Town Conservation Area Appraisal

Meeting: 22/09/2016 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 20)

20 Old Town Conservation Area Appraisal pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).

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20.8    RESOLVED – That the draft Old Town Conservation Area Character Statement be approved for public consultation by the Committee.


20.1      The Committee considered a report of Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture in relation to Old Town Conservation Area Appraisal. The report sought approval to consult on a draft Character Statement for the Old Town Conservation Area.  


20.2      Councillor C. Theobald welcomed the report, and highlighted the disappointment that the Hippodrome remained closed.


20.3      Councillor Nemeth noted he was very supportive of the hippodrome returning to use and welcomed any measures by the Council to help safeguard its future.


20.4      Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed this work, in particular as the scope of the Conservation Area had not been reviewed in some time. He went on to highlight his concerns in relation to the outlook to Pool Valley, maintenance, and potential section 215 notice, issues and poor public realm in areas such as Black Lion Street. Officers noted that there would be a management plan for the conservation area that would pick up on issues such as maintenance.


20.5      Councillor Morris welcomed the report.


20.6      Councillor Druitt commended the work that had been undertaken to bring this report forward and thanked all the Officers that had been involved. He noticed that there needed to be a focus on tackling traffic and refuse problems in the area.


20.7      The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.


20.8    RESOLVED – That the draft Old Town Conservation Area Character Statement be approved for public consultation by the Committee.


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