Issue - items at meetings - Various loading & waiting restrictions
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Various loading & waiting restrictions
Meeting: 06/11/2008 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 68)
68 Various Controlled Parking Zones Traffic Regulation Amendment Order No* 200* PDF 83 KB
Report of Director of Environment (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 68 Appendix A, item 68 PDF 53 KB View as HTML (68/2) 38 KB
- Item 68 Appendix B, item 68 PDF 40 KB View as HTML (68/3) 24 KB
- Item 68 Appendix C, item 68 PDF 10 MB
(1) The Cabinet Member for Environment is recommended to (having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections) approve the Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Traffic Regulation Order No* 200* with the following amendments:
(a) The proposed removal of disabled parking bays in Compton Avenue, Clarendon Road, Clarendon Villas are to be removed from the Traffic Order as the bays are still required by local residents;
(b) The proposed new disabled bays in Milnthorpe Road, Davigdor Road and Ruskin Road are no longer required and therefore to be removed from the Traffic Order;
(c) A proposed new loading bay in Denmark Villas is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to the large amount of objection from local residents and no support received for the bay;
(d) Proposed motorcycle bay in Chadbourne Close not to proceed at present but to be advertised in a slightly different location on the next CPZ Traffic Order; and
(e) Proposed motorcycle bay in Freshfield Road to be removed from this order and new location considered on the next CPZ Traffic Order, if there is still a need for the bay.
68.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Environment concerning approval of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) regarding alterations to parking restrictions within the Controlled Parking Zones (for copy see minute book).
68.2 The Cabinet Member stated that he was pleased to present the report as it consisted of a number of requests for alterations to parking restrictions within the Controlled Parking Zones. These requests were most often from residents, but could also be from businesses, local members, or other teams within the council, such as Road Safety. The amendments often help to improve sustainable transport, for example, by providing additional motorcycle bays, or could improve accessibility for disabled people by providing disabled parking bays.
68.3 Councillor Kennedy stated that as a Green Party councillor and member of the Planning Committee she supported car-free developments, but was concerned that the current position locally had a discriminatory effect by not allowing blue badge holders to apply for residents’ permits. She urged the Cabinet Member to defer his decision on the TRO until the decision on the report being taken to the December Cabinet Member Meeting had been made.
68.4 The Cabinet Member commented that until the December meeting the current policy would continue to apply, but he hoped that the Planning Committee would formulate some suggestions that he could support.
68.5 Councillor Mitchell commented that the car-free developments had always been considered on a case by case basis and that there had never been a blanket policy around provision of parking for blue badge holders. She added that the policy review should consider whether the council has contravened any disability discrimination laws.
68.6 RESOLVED – That having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation:
(1) That (having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections) the Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Traffic Regulation Order No* 200* be approved with the following amendments:
(a) The proposed removal of disabled parking bays in Compton Avenue, Clarendon Road, Clarendon Villas are to be removed from the Traffic Order as the bays are still required by local residents;
(b) The proposed new disabled bays in Milnthorpe Road, Davigdor Road and Ruskin Road are no longer required and therefore to be removed from the Traffic Order;
(c) A proposed new loading bay in Denmark Villas is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to the large amount of objection from local residents and no support received for the bay;
(d) Proposed motorcycle bay in Chadbourne Close not to proceed at present but to be advertised in a slightly different location on the next CPZ Traffic Order; and
(e) Proposed motorcycle bay in Freshfield Road to be removed from this order and new location considered on the next CPZ Traffic Order, if there is still a need for the bay.