Issue - items at meetings - Patcham Catchment Area
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Patcham Catchment Area
Meeting: 20/10/2008 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 29)
Patcham Catchment Area
Presentation by the Assistant Director, Schools, Central Area & school Support.
29.1 The Assistant Director, Schools, Central Area and Schools Support, presented this item to the Board.
29.2 The Assistant Director explained that the current admissions arrangements were due to be reviewed in 2012. However, and following instigation from the Schools Adjudicator, a proposal was now in place to change the catchment area for Patcham High School. The Assistant Director emphasised that this review process was purely about this one change.
29.3 He explained that the proposal was to include the Westdene and Brangwyn areas in the Patcham secondary admission catchment area. The Assitant Director explained that, because the proposals would impact on the Blatchington Mill & Hove Park catchment areas as well as those in Patcham, the consultation document had been distributed to all primary and secondary schools in those areas. He explained that the potential change from this process would be a more balanced intake across the three catchment areas indicated above.
29.4 He further explained that, if the Council decides to make a change following consultation, the proposal was for Patcham High School to remain a single catchment area for the purposes of secondary admissions. The new catchment area would be bounded by Dyke Road to the west, Tongdean lane and Surrenden Road to the south, and Lewes road to the East. The new Patcham catchment area would then include part of BN1 5, all of BN1 8, and part of BN1 9.
29.5 In terms of the timetable of the process, the Assistant Director explained that the document had been published on 10 October 2008 and the deadline for responses was due by 5 December 2008. He explained that public meetings were also due to take place, as part of the consultation. The analysis of such responses would be taken to the Cabinet Member meeting for Children & Young People in January 2009.
29.6 Members sought clarification on what would happen if parents were opposed to the proposal. The Assistant Director noted that the impact that the proposals would have in the greater picture would have to be considered carefully. He explained that, ultimately, the decision rested with the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, which would be taken on the balance of all the responses received.
29.7 The Board further enquired about what the process was to ensure that the parents concerned would respond to the consultation. The Assistant Director indicated that he hoped that enough responses would be received from the different means utilised to advertise the proposal.
29.8 RESOLVED – That the presentation and its content be noted.