Issue - items at meetings - Developing Children & Young People's Plan
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Developing Children & Young People's Plan
Meeting: 20/10/2008 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 31)
Developing Children & Young People's Plan
Presentation by the Assistant Director, Quality & Performance.
31.1 The Assistant Director, Quality and Performance, presented the item to the Board.
31.2 The Assistant Director indicated that the Children and Young People’s Plan should be the overarching plan that all partners should sign to. He explained that the plan dovetailed with other plans, services and guidance from Government; and that, on a more local basis, the plan also dovetailed with the Brighton & Hove City Council’s corporate plans and priorities.
31.3 He indicated that some of the themes the plan would be focussing on included some of the issues raised at today’s meetings, such as teenage pregnancy and first time offenders, and the plan also looked at how best to address those issues. He explained that, in terms of the development of the process, a draft of the Plan had been taken to the Departmental Management Team, then to the Chief Officers Group of the Council. This was followed by the presentation to the CYPT Board today. The Plan would finally be approved at Council.
31.4 Cllr Hawkes welcomed the presentation and requested that a copy be sent to members of the Board. The Board concurred with her request.
31.5 RESOLVED – That the presentation and its contents be noted.