Issue - items at meetings - Establishment of Brighton and Hove Community Fund
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Establishment of Brighton and Hove Community Fund
Meeting: 23/03/2017 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee (Item 144)
144 Establishment of Brighton and Hove Community Fund PDF 276 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Trusts in Scope and their Treatment, item 144 PDF 328 KB View as HTML (144/2) 22 KB
- 20170303115215_011503_0043186_Appendix2ProposedGroupingoftrustsV3, item 144 PDF 15 KB
- Appendix 3 Equality Impact Assessment, item 144 PDF 254 KB View as HTML (144/4) 78 KB
- Item 144 - Extract from NCE 13.03.17 - B&H Commujnity Fund, item 144 PDF 123 KB View as HTML (144/5) 35 KB
- Webcast for Establishment of Brighton and Hove Community Fund
Meeting: 13/03/2017 - Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee (Item 62)
62 Establishment of Brighton and Hove Community Fund PDF 263 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Trusts in Scope and their Treatment, item 62 PDF 327 KB View as HTML (62/2) 35 KB
- Item 62 Appendix 2 Grouping and Use of Trusts_v2, item 62 PDF 15 KB
- Appendix 3 Equality Impact Assessment, item 62 PDF 254 KB View as HTML (62/4) 80 KB
- Webcast for Establishment of Brighton and Hove Community Fund
(1) That Policy, Resources & Growth (PRG) Committee be recommended to approve the closure of the trusts and the transfer of the endowments listed in appendix 1 of the report to Sussex Community Foundation for the purpose of establishing the Brighton and Hove Community Fund as outlined in the report; and
(2) That delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing to take all steps necessary to action and complete the transfer.
62.1 The Head of Communities & Equality introduced the report which detailed changes to the delivery of the Third Sector Investment Programme and proposals to transfer council held dormant and under-utilised endowment funds to Sussex Community Foundation to form a Brighton and Hove Community Fund (B&HCF). She stated that discussions had been held with the community and voluntary sector, the Members Advisory Group, CCG colleagues and the Charity Commission. It was intended that the BHCF would be established as an umbrella fund in order that additional objectives may be created as additional donors/funding were secured. The fund would then make grants under the following two objectives:
(i) Awards to community and voluntary organisations supporting children and young people across Brighton and Hove; and
(ii) Awards to support aims and objectives of libraries.
62.2 The Head of Communities & Equality also confirmed that the BHCF would at all times and under all circumstances, be used exclusively for the benefit of the community in Brighton and Hove.
62.3 The Chief Executive Officer of Sussex Community Foundation (SCF) informed the committee that the Foundation had been established for 11 years and had an excellent record of managing portfolios and securing additional investments that could then be used to support the aims of the BHCF. He also noted that SCF already supported a number of community groups and voluntary organisations in the city and that the BCHF grants and any additional funds secured for the fund would be used in conjunction with those already allocated to the city by SCF and not as an alternative source of funding.
62.4 Councillor Simson stated that as a member of the Members Advisory Group she had been involved in the process and fully supported the recommendations. However, she felt that there should be some Member oversight and asked if this would be possible.
62.5 Councillor Littman stated that he echoed Councillor Simson’s comments and fully supported the proposed approach.
62.6 Councillor Bell referred to paragraph 4.3 of the report and appendix 1 and sought clarification in regard to the transfer of the funds and the maintenance of the first three funds listed in the appendix.
62.7 The Head of Communities & Equality stated that it was intended for all the funds listed to be transferred across to the BHCF but that the aims of those funds would be maintained although they would be updated to reflect the objectives of the BCHF. She apologised for any confusion and stated that she would ensure this was made clearer in time for the PR&G Committee meeting.
62.8 Councillor Druitt stated that the report was an example of a fantastic piece of work which would result in the use of resources for the benefit of those in the city. However, with the closure of the various funds he wondered if anything was being done to acknowledge the aims and objectives of those funds.
62.9 The CEO of Sussex Community Foundation stated it was intended to retain a record of the donors and legacies as part of SCF’s history and for reference purposes. He also stated that he was happy for the Council to have representation on the decision-making panel for the award of funds and would welcome Member involvement.
62.10 The Chair thanked the representatives from Sussex Community Foundation for attending the meeting and officers for their work in bringing the report to the committee. She hoped that the PR&G Committee would support the recommendations and that officers could then reach an agreement with SCF on the make-up of the decision-making panel and asked that the committee members be updated accordingly.
(1) That Policy, Resources & Growth (PRG) Committee be recommended to approve the closure of the trusts and the transfer of the endowments listed in appendix 1 of the report to Sussex Community Foundation for the purpose of establishing the Brighton and Hove Community Fund as outlined in the report; and
(2) That delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing to take all steps necessary to action and complete the transfer.