Issue - items at meetings - Museum Plan
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Museum Plan
Meeting: 09/06/2009 - Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 11)
Museum Plan
Report of Director of Culture and Enterprise (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Cabinet member meeting report for Museum Plan
- Item 11- Museum Plan, item 11
PDF 88 KB View as HTML (11/3) 72 KB
- Item 11 - Museum Plan Appendix 1, item 11
PDF 338 KB View as HTML (11/4) 326 KB
(1) That Cabinet be recommended to agree the Royal Pavilion & Museums Strategic Forward Plan 2009-2012.
(2) That the Cabinet Member Meeting receives an update about Renaissance funding in due course.
11.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Culture and Enterprise which presented the Royal Pavilion & Museums Strategic Forward Plan 2009-2012 (for copy see minute book). The Plan set out the Council’s vision for the service, building on the recent successes, and outlining the priorities and objectives for the next three years, in the context of the overall plans and ambitions for the city. The Plan demonstrated how the Royal Pavilion & Museums supported the Corporate Priorities and contributed to the key strategies for the city, including the Local Area Agreement and Corporate Plan.
11.2 The Head of Museums & Royal Pavilion highlighted the key aims for the division for the next three years as set out in paragraphs 3.3. Paragraph 3.4 set out the key areas in terms of priorities. Consultation on the plan had included a workshop held for the Culture, Tourism and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee in January 2009. The Plan would be subject to continual review, monitoring and updating.
11.3 Councillor Davis considered the plan to be of a high standard and supported developing audiences. However, she expressed concern about the reliance on Renaissance funding. She stressed that the funding position was less certain after 2011. She asked for confirmation that the funding was in place for 2009-2011. The Head of Museums & Royal Pavilion confirmed that funding was definitely secured for the period 2009-2011. Funding after that period was subject to review.
11.4 Councillor Davis made the point that it was clear that there needed to be investment in a number of areas such as IT and disabled access. She asked if the Cabinet Member Meeting could receive updates about Renaissance Funding, in addition to the report to the CMM and Culture, Tourism & Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee on an annual basis. The Head of Museums & Royal Pavilion confirmed that an update could be given to the CMM when the review was completed. She stressed that a great deal of work would be completed by 2011. Meanwhile, she considered it important to develop a fundraising unit, and that museums across the UK were being encouraged to become less reliant on government funding such as Renaissance.
11.5 Councillor Davis asked about Invest to Save. The Head of Museums & Royal Pavilion explained that this was a Council initiative which was enabling the Division to modernise its business systems to maximise its earned income through the development of new booking and ticket systems and a web link for online sales.
11.6 The Cabinet Member asked how much Renaissance funding had been provided nationally. The Head of Museums replied that the South East hub alone had received approximately 12 million for the period 2009-2012.
11.7 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation:
(1) That Cabinet be recommended to agree the Royal Pavilion & Museums Strategic Forward Plan 2009-2012.
(2) That the Cabinet Member Meeting receives an update about Renaissance funding in due course.