Issue - items at meetings - Taxi Tariff Setting Under the New Constitution

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Issue - meetings

Taxi Tariff Setting Under the New Constitution

Meeting: 20/11/2008 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 117)

117 Taxi Tariff Setting Under the New Constitution pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Report of the Director of Strategy & Governance (copy attached)

Additional documents:


That an advisory committee to the executive be established for the purpose of advising on licensing functions that are the responsibility of the Executive, including setting taxi fares;


That the membership of the advisory committee mirror the Licensing Committee membership; 


That power be delegated to the Director of Environment to set taxi fares after considering the recommendations of the advisory committee in (1) above in accordance with the report as amended by the Governance Committee; and 


That the Head of Law be authorised to make the necessary amendments to the Constitution to reflect the above.



117.1    The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Strategy & Governance that proposed a new procedure for setting taxi fares to comply with the law whilst retaining the expertise of the Licensing Committee (for copy see minute book)


117.2     The Cabinet noted an extract of the meeting of the Governance Committee held on 18th November and their recommendations. The Governance Committee had made an amendment to the recommendations as noted below.


117.3    that if the Director was minded to reject the Advisory Committee’s recommendations that they would be referred to the Cabinet for consideration. It was therefore agreed that the wording in paragraph 3.6 should be amended accordingly to remove the words ‘be expected to’ and that recommendation 2.3 be amended to include reference to the revised report.’


117.4    RESOLVED - That having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, and the extract from the Governance Committee, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)That an advisory committee to the executive be established for the purpose of advising on licensing functions that are the responsibility of the Executive, including setting taxi fares;


(2)That the membership of the advisory committee mirror the Licensing Committee membership;


(3) That power be delegated to the Director of Environment to set taxi fares after considering the recommendations of the advisory committee in (1) above in accordance with the report as amended by the Governance Committee; and 


(4) That the Head of Law be authorised to make the necessary amendments to the Constitution to reflect the above.



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