Issue - items at meetings - TARGETTED BUDGET MANAGEMENT MONTH 6
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Meeting: 02/12/2008 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 62)
62 Targetted Budget Management Month 6 PDF 336 KB
Report of the Director of Finance and Resources
62.1 The Head of Financial Services (Corporate and Environment) presented the report on Targetted Budget Management (TBM) Month 6 setting out the forecast outturn position on the revenue and capital budgets as at the end of September 2008. The report was presented to Cabinet on 20 November.
62.2 The Council’s financial position was improving following the financial recovery plans, particularly in areas such as Adult Social Care and Children and Young People’s Trust.
62.3 Answers were provided to questions about sales from the right to buy [para 3.21]; risk share agreement regarding mental health and substance misuse [p29, bullet point 1]; underachieved income on major works recharges to leaseholders [p 31]; capital budget reprofiling [p36]; and park rangers [p26];
62.4 Further information would be supplied regarding: additional numbers of clients using older peoples’ services and physical disability services; empty property repair costs; reopening a home care service base in Woodingdean; and breakdown of on-street and off-street parking income.
62.5 Members were concerned about the difficulties with the heating system to Leach Court and Patching Lodge and the Council’s energy costs. There was also a question on tenants’ ‘central’ gas heating service charges.
62.6 The Chairman thanked the officers and said that replies to these queries would be forwarded to the Adult Social Care and Housing or Environment and Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
62.7 The Chairman reminded Members that they could indicate if they wished to ask questions in specific service areas at future meetings, and the relevant invitations could then be extended.
62.8 RESOLVED; (1) That the Commission note the report.
(2) That further information is provided to members of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees as minuted above.