Issue - items at meetings - Pedestrian Network - Phase 2
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Pedestrian Network - Phase 2
Meeting: 17/09/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 74)
74 Pedestrian Network - Phase 2 PDF 76 KB
Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 74 Appendix A, item 74 PDF 2 MB
- Item 74 Appendix B, item 74 PDF 1 MB
- Item 74 Appendix C, item 74 PDF 54 KB View as HTML (74/4) 54 KB
- Webcast for Pedestrian Network - Phase 2
1. That Cabinet notes the consultation results which indicate an overall support for the scheme as consulted.
2. That Cabinet approves commencement of detailed design and implementation of the scheme to include advertising the associated Traffic Regulation Orders and entry treatments under the Road Traffic Act 1984.
3. That Cabinet further approves the commencement of feasibility, design and consultation of a Phase 3 which will examine the potential of further measures in the East Street area. Members will be informed of the outcome of the consultation and findings will be brought back to a future Cabinet Member Meeting.
74.1 The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment concerning the consultation results for Phase Two of the Pedestrian Network Improvement Scheme and requesting approval to begin implementation of the preferred scheme (for copy see minute book).
74.2 Councillor Randall stated that he welcomed pedestrianisation in the city, but reported that cycle groups had expressed concern about the lack of provision for cyclists in this scheme as the area was part of the Sustrans Cycle Network.
74.3 Councillor Mitchell requested that full pedestrianisation be considered for this scheme and added that this was favoured by traders in the area.
74.4 Councillor Watkins welcomed the scheme, but added that the Council needed to do more to address the problems caused by the co-existence of pedestrians and cyclists.
74.5 Councillor Theobald stated that more consultation would take place before the whole scheme was finalised, but that there was a need to proceed in phases; it would be difficult and take time to decide on the final scheme, but the proposals for Phase 2 did not prohibit consideration of the suggestions made by opposition councillors.
74.6 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the consultation results indicating an overall support for the scheme as consulted be noted.
(2) That commencement of detailed design and implementation of the scheme to include advertising the associated Traffic Regulation Orders and entry treatments under the Road Traffic Act 1984 be approved.
(3) That the commencement of feasibility, design and consultation of a Phase 3 which will examine the potential of further measures in the East Street area be approved. Members will be informed of the outcome of the consultation and findings will be brought back to a future Cabinet Member Meeting.
Meeting: 11/06/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 35)
Pedestrian Network - Phase 2
Report of the Director of Environment (copy to follow).
Additional documents:
35.1 The item had been deferred until a future meeting of the Cabinet.