Issue - items at meetings - Procedure for Appointment of Assistant Directors
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Procedure for Appointment of Assistant Directors
Meeting: 18/11/2008 - Governance Committee (Item 51)
51 Procedure for Appointment of Assistant Directors PDF 90 KB
Report of the Director of Strategy & Governance (copy attached).
(1) That the changes to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules set out in paragraphs3.3 and 3.4 be agreed;
(2) That the Head of Law be authorised to amend the Constitution to give effect to the changes; and
(3) That the changes come into force with immediate effect.
51.1 By reason of the special circumstances, and in accordance with section 100B(4)(b) of the 1972 Act, the Chairman of the meeting was consulted and was of the opinion that this item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
51.2 The Committee noted that the special circumstances for non-compliance with Council Procedure Rule 19, Access to Information Rule 5 and Section 100B, Schedule 12A of the 1972 Local Government Act as amended (items not to be considered unless the agenda is open to inspection at least five days in advance of the meeting) were that a review of the Employment Procedure Rules, (which dealt, amongst other things, with the appointment of Senior Officers), was planned for a review as part of the 6-month review of the Constitution. However, it had become apparent that, given the likelihood of some appointments needing to be made before then, it was necessary fro the appointment of Assistant Directors to be considered by the Governance Committee at its meeting on the 18 November before being submitted to Council for approval.
(1) That the changes to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules set out in paragraphs3.3 and 3.4 be agreed;
(2) That the Head of Law be authorised to amend the Constitution to give effect to the changes; and
(3) That the changes come into force with immediate effect.