Issue - items at meetings - Housing Management Performance Report

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Issue - meetings

Housing Management Performance Report

Meeting: 20/01/2009 - Housing Management Consultative Committee (Item 59)

59 Housing Management Performance Report pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing (copy attached)


Additional documents:


That comments of the Housing Management Consultative Committee be noted.


59.1    The meeting considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing that provided information on current performance within Housing Management services and on general policy initiatives underway to improve performance (for copy see minute book).


59.2    Beryl Snelling noted that a gas pipe had been damaged during construction work near the Patching Lodge site; she asked if the council would have to pay for this. Officers replied that the council was in negotiations with contractors to recover any costs.


59.3    Heather Hayes and Ted Harman noted that the ‘Out of Hours’ emergency repair service had, at one point recently been staffed by a single contractor. This individual had worked extremely long hours in difficult circumstances and the service to those in need had been poor. The Chairman and Assistant Director understood this to be an isolated incident but would check with Managers and report back.


59.4    Jean Davis noted that the electric tumble dryer at Leach Court had been out of action for some time, she wondered when it would be replaced. Officers expected that a repair or replacement should be effected within a fortnight.


59.5    Councillor Allen noted the improvement in rent collection and that figures were recorded area by area. He suggested that it might be prudent to move to a single, ‘city-wide’ figure. Councillor Allen also suggested a more challenging target be set in dealing with cases were tenants who were more than seven weeks in arrears. The Assistant Director noted that new targets were currently being formulated and he would take into account the comments.


59.6    RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Housing Management Consultative Committee accepted the following recommendation:


            (1)       That comments of the Housing Management Consultative Committee be noted.


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