Issue - items at meetings - Chairman's Communications
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Chairman's Communications
Meeting: 20/01/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 68)
Chairman's Communications
Additional documents:
68.1 The Chairman pointed out that the meeting was being webcast.
68.2 The Chairman introduced the new Head of Scrutiny, Tom Hook who said he was looking forward to working with Members and senior officers in developing Overview and Scrutiny at Brighton & Hove.
68.3 Referring to the report presented to the 13 January 2009 Governance Committee on the ‘Communities in Control’ White Paper the Chairman said the response to the Government consultations, including dealing with appeals from petitioners to local authorities, had been sent without the involvement of the Commission. (Governance Committee Report Appendix 1, Q8 refers)
68.4 The Commission agreed to ask for a more detailed report including a general update on current legislation regarding overview and scrutiny.
68.5 A date was being arranged for the first scoping meeting of the 4-Member Scrutiny Panel on Dignity and Respect at Work.