Issue - items at meetings - Draft Tenancy Agreeement

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Issue - meetings

Draft Tenancy Agreeement

Meeting: 20/01/2009 - Housing Management Consultative Committee (Item 60)

60 Draft Tenancy Agreement pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing (copy attached)

Additional documents:


That the Housing Management Consultative Committee notes the amended draft of the Tenancy Agreement agreed by the working group attached at Appendix 1.


That the Housing Management Consultative Committee endorse the conclusions of the working group which will be taken forward as the basis for wider consultation with stakeholders and tenants on the development and adoption of a revised tenancy agreement for tenants living in council housing and forward to the housing cabinet member meeting for approval.


60.1    The meeting considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing that presented further results of the tenant led Chairman’s Working Group considering the development and adoption of a revised tenancy agreement for tenants living in council housing (for copy see minute book).


60.2    Councillor Mears welcomed the report and the revised Tenancy Agreement. She noted the work that had gone into producing the document and the need to consistently enforce the agreement.


60.3    Councillor Wells noted that if the relationship between Joint Tenants broke down, both parties remained responsible for the Tenancy even if one of them had moved out of the property. Officers confirmed that this was the case.


60.4    Ted was concerned that Leaseholders were at a disadvantage if they had poorly behaved neighbours. Ted understood that if a Leaseholder wished to sell their property they had to say what their neighbours were like. A poorly behaved neighbour could impact negatively on the selling of the property. Ted felt that it was important that any reported poor behaviour was acted on quickly and the Tenancy Agreement enforced thoroughly.


60.5         Sue Hansen noted that Tenancy Agreement stated that running a business from your home was not allowed. She asked what the case was if someone was running an illegal business; selling drugs for example. Officers commented that drugs and drug dealing were covered by the Tenancy Agreement and were not acceptable.


60.6         Ted noted that the Tenancy Agreement was a legal document and he felt this point should be made clear to those signing it and those enforcing it.


60.7         The Assistant Director noted that the next stages for the draft Tenancy Agreement were wider formal consultation with Tenants and then the production of a Handbook to support and expand upon the meaning of the agreement.


60.8         In response to a query from Heather, the Assistant Director explained that the new Agreement would cover all tenancies (existing and new) and that all Tenants would be affected. Not everyone was required to sign a new document as the issuing of a ‘variation notice’ would cover the legal requirements.


60.9         RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Housing Management Consultative Committee accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That the Housing Management Consultative Committee notes the amended draft of the Tenancy Agreement agreed by the working group attached at Appendix 1.


(2)       That the Housing Management Consultative Committee endorse the conclusions of the working group which will be taken forward as the basis for wider consultation with stakeholders and tenants on the development and adoption of a revised tenancy agreement for tenants living in council housing and forward to the housing cabinet member meeting for approval.


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