Issue - items at meetings - Equal Pay

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Issue - meetings

Equal Pay

Meeting: 15/01/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 158)

Equal Pay

Joint report of the Director of Strategy & Governance and the Interim Director of Finance & Resources – Exempt Categories 4 & 5 (copy circulated to Members only).


Additional documents:


(1)       That the Cabinet notes the contents of the attached report and endorses the decision of the Governance Committee of 13th January 2009 (that will be reported to the Cabinet at 15th January meeting) and agreed the recommendations as per the report.


(2)       That the Cabinet (as the Executive body) recommends to Council approval of the recommendations as contained within the report.


             Exempt Categories 4 and 5


158.1         The Chairman accepted that the report was urgent and agreed its late inclusion for consideration at the meeting.


158.2         The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Strategy & Governance and Interim Director of Finance & Resources that detailed the progress and consequences to date of the Single Status project. (copy circulated to Members only).


158.3         The Chairman noted that the report had been considered and approved by Governance Committee.


158.4         The Cabinet noted an extract from the Governance Committee that was tabled for information.


158.5         RESOLVED – That having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations.


(1)       That the Cabinet notes the contents of the attached report and endorses the decision of the Governance Committee of 13th January 2009 (that will be reported to the Cabinet at 15th January meeting) and agreed the recommendations as per the report.


(2)       That the Cabinet (as the Executive body) recommends to Council approval of the recommendations as contained within the report.


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