Issue - items at meetings - Learning Disability Day Services
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Learning Disability Day Services
Meeting: 11/02/2009 - Housing Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 98)
98 Learning Disability Day Services - Creation of Day Options Team PDF 93 KB
Report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing (to follow)
(1) That the Cabinet Member for Housing approves that the council’s Integrated Learning Disability Services create a Day Options Team. The Day Options Team would be developed slowly over time. The Day Options Team would offer an advice, guidance and co-ordination point to maximise the day opportunities available to people with learning disabilities in Brighton & Hove.
(2) That the Cabinet Member for Housing monitors the progress on the development of this additional team through regular briefings from the implementation team.
98.1 The Cabinet Member for Housing considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing that provided information on a review of Learning Disability Day Services (for copy see minute book).
98.2 The Cabinet Member noted that this was the third time that the report had been presented to the meeting. She was confident that the extended decision process had resulted in a clearer and more robust appreciation of the concerns that had been raised by service users and carers.
98.3 The Cabinet Member requested that regular reports be submitted to the meeting so that progress of the service could be monitored.
98.4 Councillor Simpson wished to be assured that persons using residential services would be afforded the opportunity to use day centre service options.
98.5 The Cabinet Member stated that the independence of the day centres would not be affected by the day options service. Services would run in parallel and persons using residential services would be able to use day service options. As the consequences of the new ways of working became apparent, reports would be submitted to the meeting to allow the situation to be monitored.
98.6 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the Cabinet Member for Housing approves that the council’s Integrated Learning Disability Services create a Day Options Team. The Day Options Team would be developed slowly over time. The Day Options Team would offer an advice, guidance and co-ordination point to maximise the day opportunities available to people with learning disabilities in Brighton & Hove.
(2) That the Cabinet Member for Housing monitors the progress on the development of this additional team through regular briefings from the implementation team.