Issue - items at meetings - Housing Supply Update report - 2019-2023

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Issue - meetings

Housing Supply Update report - 2019-2023

Meeting: 18/09/2019 - Housing Committee (Item 8)

8 Housing Supply Update report - 2019-2023 pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Additional documents:


1)               That the Housing Committee note the contents of this report.


2)               That the Housing Committee notes that estimates for new revenue spend on housing supply for 2020/21 will be included in the HRA Revenue and Capital Budget Report for approval in February 2020.


3)               That Housing Committee recommend to Policy & Resources (P&R) Committee that for 2019/20, any new revenue costs (estimated at £0.100m) arising from the increased support for delivery of housing supply, should be met from HRA general reserves (current balance £6.980m).


1)    The Committee considered the report presented by Diane Hughes to update the Committee on the delivery of new affordable housing by the council, and future plans to escalate delivery by utilising the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) borrowing flexibilities and revenue underspends in the HRA.


2)    Councillor Mary Mears commented that the HRA is ring fenced to support tenants. It was important to watch budgets and spending. The budget pressure of recruiting staff for the housing supply programme was noted in relation to the HRA revenue budget for 2020/21. It was noted that the Councillor was nervous about taking monies from the HRA.


3)    The Member was informed that HRA covers some of the most important work going on in the city. It was confirmed that HRA was ring fenced to council housing only and the staff recruited would help provision of affordable housing across the city.


4)    Councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones welcomed the additional housing supply and noted BHCC was working towards zero carbon homes in the city by 2030. Any individual schemes will come to committee. The Councillor requested that the Brighton General Hospital be included in the Home Purchase Policy under land and buildings acquisitions. It was noted that the proposed residents of the move-on accommodation to be sited at the former Hollingbury Library will require low to medium level support. A report on the matter will be submitted to a future meeting of the committee.


Resolved: That the Housing Committee agreed the following recommendations:


                  I.    That the Housing Committee note the contents of this report.


                 II.    That the Housing Committee notes that estimates for new revenue spend on housing supply for 2020/21 will be included in the HRA Revenue and Capital Budget Report for approval in February 2020.


               III.    That Housing Committee recommend to Policy & Resources (P&R) Committee that for 2019/20, any new revenue costs (estimated at £0.100m) arising from the increased support for delivery of housing supply, should be met from HRA general reserves (current balance £6.980m).


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