Issue - items at meetings - Procurment for the provision of a “Somewhere Space to Stay” service funded by grant by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government
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Procurment for the provision of a “Somewhere Space to Stay” service funded by grant by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government
Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Housing Committee (Item 37)
Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing
Additional documents:
1. The Housing Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care (HASC) on confirmation of funding to take all necessary steps to:
(i) procure and award a contract for two (2) years to the value of £860,000 per annum or to the level of the available funding for the provision of a No First Night Out Service for adults at risk of rough sleeping.
(ii) to approve an extension to the contract referred to in 2.1(i) for a period or periods of up to two years in total if it is deemed appropriate by the Housing Committee and subject to available budget/grant funding.
(iii) to report back to Housing Committee annually the progress and outcomes of this service.
37.1 The Committee considered the report presented by Jenny Knight.
37.2 The ‘No First Night Out’ service ‘Somewhere Safe to Stay’ opened in March 2019 following a successful grant application for this purpose to the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government.
37.3 The contract with the current provider St Mungos expires at the end of March 2020.
37.4 The report sought the authority to secure, by way of competitive tender, a provider to continue to deliver the ‘No First Night Out Service’ which will assist those at risk of rough sleeping into accommodation.
37.5 Councillor Mary Mears was informed that any grant funding would be known about early next year.
37.6 Councillor David Gibson, seconded by Councillor Theresa Fowler, proposed to amend the recommendations to allow information to flow back to the Housing Committee.
37.7 A vote was held to accept the recommendations and the proposed amendments:
(i) All agreed.
(ii) to approve an extension to the contract referred to in 2.1(i) for a period or periods of up to two years in total if it is deemed appropriate by the Housing Committee and subject to available budget/grant funding. All agreed.
(iii) to report back to Housing Committee annually the progress and outcomes of this service. All agreed.
37.8 The Committee accepted the recommendations as amended.
37.9 Resolved:
1. The Housing Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care (HASC) on confirmation of funding to take all necessary steps to:
(i) procure and award a contract for two (2) years to the value of £860,000 per annum or to the level of the available funding for the provision of a No First Night Out Service for adults at risk of rough sleeping.
(ii) to approve an extension to the contract referred to in 2.1(i) for a period or periods of up to two years in total if it is deemed appropriate by the Housing Committee and subject to available budget/grant funding.
(iii) to report back to Housing Committee annually the progress and outcomes of this service.