Issue - items at meetings - Health & Safety Update
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Health & Safety Update
Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Housing Committee (Item 28)
28 Health & Safety Update PDF 250 KB
Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing
Additional documents:
1. The Housing Committee notes the contents of this report.
2. The Housing Committee notes that any recommendations arising from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry and / or the Pankhurst Avenue fire investigation, to improve the health and safety and fire safety of our homes, will be brought forward to a future Committee.
28.1 The Committee considered the report presented by Glyn Huelin.
28.2 The report updated the Housing Committee on Health and Safety in key areas for council housing stock. The report included updates on fire doors, large panel system-built blocks and other items identified by central government.
28.3 Councillor Mary Mears was informed that the East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service report into the fire on Pankhurst Avenue will investigate the reasons for the fire and the actions taken.
28.4 Councillor David Gibson was informed that once the report by the East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service has been completed, the Members will be informed.
28.5 The Chair, Councillor Gill Williams, wanted to express their support for the Pankhurst Avenue residents affected by the fire. This was reiterated by all the committee Members.
28.6 Resolved:
1. The Housing Committee notes the contents of this report.
2. The Housing Committee notes that any recommendations arising from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry and / or the Pankhurst Avenue fire investigation, to improve the health and safety and fire safety of our homes, will be brought forward to a future Committee.