Issue - items at meetings - Community led housing - site identification update
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Community led housing - site identification update
Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Housing Committee (Item 24)
24 Community led housing - site identification update PDF 247 KB
Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing
Additional documents:
The Housing Committee notes the progress to date with identifying sites for community led housing in the city.
24.1 The Committee considered the report presented by Emma Kumar.
24.2 Brighton & Hove has a well-established and active community housing sector and a history of community housing schemes. The city’s Housing Strategy, Fairness Commission Report and City Plan recognise and confirm the council’s commitment to community led housing in the city highlighting its importance in helping to meet a key priority of improving housing supply in the city.
24.3 The Housing Committee Work Plan 2019-23 agreed at Housing Committee on 18 September 2019 includes a commitment to community led housing in the city and identifies that a report will be brought to this committee identifying suitable sites to work in partnership with the Brighton & Hove Community Land Trust for
development. The report is to provide an update on progress with site identification.
24.4 Councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones noted that there were a number of exciting projects across the country. The Councillor was informed that Community Land Trust champions are in place and looking at incentives.
24.5 Councillor David Gibson noted that developments of self builds were a good idea with below commercial market rates. The Councillor noted that revolving loan funds in other areas of the country worked well and felt that they should be tried in Brighton and Hove. The regular monthly meetings with the Council and BHCLT were a good idea.
24.6 Councillor Mary Mears commented that the review of loans through public loans board should be supported.
24.7 Resolved: The Housing Committee notes the progress to date with identifying sites for community led housing in the city.