Issue - items at meetings - New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Procurement of Sports Pavilion
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New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Procurement of Sports Pavilion
Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Housing Committee (Item 31)
31 New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Procurement of Sports Pavilion PDF 486 KB
Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing
Additional documents:
1. The Committee notes the reasons why Urgency Powers were exercised by the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing and Head of Legal Services to use a different procurement route to the one agreed by Housing Committee on 14 November 2018;
2. The Committee agrees to delegate authority to the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing and Head of Legal Services to procure and award a contract under a suitable framework or through an open procurement process.
31.1 The Committee considered the report presented by Sam Smith for Jo Thompson.
31.2 In November 2018, Housing & New Homes Committee approved a budget of £12.914m for the construction of 45 new council homes as well as a Sports Pavilion to be delivered through the council’s City Build Construction Partnership with Morgan Sindall.
31.3 The council’s Quantity Surveyors (Potter Raper) have carried out an independent review of Morgan Sindall’s order of costs for the Sports Pavilion. These latest costs have exceeded the budget approved by Housing Committee for the delivery of the Sports Pavilion. This is not unexpected since the project is smaller than would normally be undertaken by the Partnership. As such, Potter Raper are unable to recommend Best Value and have advised that the council tests the market by exploring a different procurement route for the delivery of this project.
31.4 This report explains the procurement pathway which has been chosen for the project and outlines the reasons why.
31.5 Councillor Peter Atkinson noted that the local bowls club were keen to see the conclusion of the project and was informed that the Council are also keen to move forward. It was also noted that the procurement process had delayed the scheme slightly.
31.6 Resolved:
1. The Committee notes the reasons why Urgency Powers were exercised by the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing and Head of Legal Services to use a different procurement route to the one agreed by Housing Committee on 14 November 2018;
2. The Committee agrees to delegate authority to the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing and Head of Legal Services to procure and award a contract under a suitable framework or through an open procurement process.