Issue - items at meetings - Sustainability Measures for New Homes

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Issue - meetings

Sustainability Measures for New Homes

Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Housing Committee (Item 29)

29 Sustainability Measures for New Homes pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing

Additional documents:


1.    The Committee notes the progress to date.


2.    The Committee agrees to the establishment of working group on Zero Carbon Homes based on the terms of reference, contained in Appendix 1.


29.1      The Committee considered the report presented by Nick Fishlock and Sam Smith.


29.2      The paper reviews the relationship between the Council’s commitment to develop a 10-year carbon neutral programme, which will include an engagement plan and a Citizens’ Assembly and the council’s delivery of new council homes.


29.3      The report covers the policy context, current standards and progress to date in relation to housing and environmental sustainability; examines the opportunities, risks, challenges of developing zero carbon homes; and proposes key actions and milestones to delivering zero carbon homes by 2030.


29.4      Councillor Peter Atkinson was informed that modern methods of construction were being investigated, including modular systems.


29.5      Councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones was informed to achieve wider engagement, the working group are reaching out. Contentious issues are reported back to the group to discuss.


29.6      Councillor Mary Mears noted that in previous years the same issues had been reported and did not want to go around in circles. The Member was reassured that the Council was working towards the zero-carbon standard.


29.7      Councillor Dawn Barnett was informed that newly installed solar panels on roofs were equipped with netting to prevent birds, and other animals, nesting under the panel.


29.8      Resolved:


1.    The Committee notes the progress to date.


2.    The Committee agrees to the establishment of working group on Zero Carbon Homes based on the terms of reference, contained in
Appendix 1.


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