Issue - items at meetings - Programme for the future delivery of responsive repairs and empty property refurbishments, planned maintenance and improvement programmes, and major capital projects to council housing stock
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Programme for the future delivery of responsive repairs and empty property refurbishments, planned maintenance and improvement programmes, and major capital projects to council housing stock
Meeting: 15/01/2020 - Housing Committee (Item 49)
49 Future Repairs and Maintenance to Council Housing Stock PDF 260 KB
Report of Interim Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities.
Additional documents:
The Housing Committee:
2.1 Noted the progress with the programme which is outlined in the body of the report.
49.1 The Committee considered the report presented by Glyn Huelin.
49.2 The report updated the Committee on the progress of the programme to set up the future delivery of responsive repairs, empty property refurbishments, planned maintenance and improvement programmes, and major capital projects to Council housing stock post April 2020.
49.3 Councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones was informed that a small number of operatives staff the out-of-hours service as only a small number of repairs are normally needed. It was noted that job specific operatives will be on call for each type of job. The implementation of the Northgate system, which will replicate the existing, is expected to go live with phase one in January 2021. Later phases will include mobile working. It was also noted that alternative procurement routes are being explored, including a mini competition for subcontractors, so that any urgent major capital works required can be delivered on time. Repairs are to carry on as they are now. It was noted that Mears are being paid to use MCM system.
49.4 Councillor Mary Mears was informed that an out of hours call handling provider is being procured via an existing framework agreement and close to agreement. A contingency plan, and reserves, have been put in place in case the 1 April deadline is not met.
49.5 Resolved:
The Housing Committee:
2.1 Notes the progress with the programme which is outlined in the body of the report.