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Meeting: 10/03/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 97)

97 Performance Improvement Report, Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Report of the Acting Director of Strategy and Governance.

Additional documents:


97.1 Councillor Fallon-Khan, the Cabinet Member for Central Services introduced the performance Improvement report, Quarter 3. He said the Council had for the first time achieved 4* overall performance rating from the Audit Commission.


97.2 He and the Senior Performance Analyst answered questions on some of the key indicators including prolific and priority offenders, first time entrants to the youth justice system, people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents, rough sleepers, take-up of Warm Homes energy efficiency programme, LGBT hate crimes and incidents, equality standards, talking therapies, direct payments, top 5% staff from ethnic minority or with a disability, carbon dioxide emissions, children bullied at school and teenage pregnancies.


97.3 The officers would provide Members with further details where the information was not available at this meeting.


97.4 RESOLVED: That the Commission notes


(1)    Progress against the LAA outcomes and proposals for remedial actions against the indicators that are significantly off track.


(2)    The Change in national performance management framework from CPA to CAA from April 2009.


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