Issue - items at meetings - Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 3 2019/20

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Issue - meetings

Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 3 2019/20

Meeting: 11/03/2020 - Housing Committee (Item 66)

66 Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 3 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 688 KB

Report of Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities

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Resolved: That the Housing Committee notes and comments upon the report.


66.1    The Committee considered the report presented by Ododo Dafe (Head of Income Involvement & Improvement).


66.2    The report updated the Committee on the housing management performance report which covered Quarter 3 of the financial year 2019/20.


66.3    Councillor David Gibson noted the report and was informed that the staffing of the repairs help desk had been an issue as staff were difficult to recruit knowing the contract is coming to an end. Of the staff who had been recruited some required more training than others and three vacancies needed to be filled. It is the intention that the recruitment process will be modernised, and staff will be attracted and retained from the local area. It was also noted that calls had increased by 27% and the Housing Income Management team has had a high level of staff vacancies which is impacting on the recovery of both current and former tenant arrears. The vacancies are currently being recruited to. The Councillor was informed that rental arrears increase a certain times of the year such as September, when school uniforms are required and Christmas. New staff will be able to support residents once they have been trained. Additional payments are not possible for many. The team will support the best way forward possible. It was noted that rent has not risen for the last four years.


66.4    Councillor Mary Mears expressed concerns regarding the quality of work and was informed that the cement coating and external painting of Lynch Court were covered under two separate contracts. The costs of each would be forwarded to the Councillor.


66.5    Councillor Martin Osborne was informed that the January staff vacancies have been filled and agency staff are being replaced. It was noted that staff engagement was essential and there were many ideas being considered. Having mixed team meetings to exchange ideas and increase awareness of other teams was one suggestion.


66.6    Glyn Huelin stated staff engagement was starting and conversations were being held.


66.7    Ododo Dafe noted that staff benefits have been explained to interviewees and training was being implemented across the whole housing section. Office based staff were going out to meet staff based on estates to ensure understanding of resident’s issues and gain a sense of place.


66.8    Resolved: The Housing Committee noted the report.


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