Issue - items at meetings - Letters from Councillors

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Issue - meetings

Letters from Councillors

Meeting: 04/03/2010 - Adult Social Care & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 46)

46 Letters from Councillors pdf icon PDF 35 KB

There are two Councillor letters:


(a)       A letter requesting the establishment of an ad hoc panel has been received from Councillor Georgia Wrighton (a copy of Cllr Wrighton’s letter and details of the proposed scrutiny panel are attached);


(b)       A letter regarding leasehold mediation has been received from Councillor Ian Davey (a copy of Cllr Davey’s letter is attached, as is a copy of a letter on the subject of leasehold mediation from the Assistant Director of Housing Management to the Leasehold Action Group).

Additional documents:


46.1    Councillor Georgia Wrighton introduced a letter proposing holding a Scrutiny panel on autistic spectrum conditions (ASC).


46.2    Members debated this issue, agreeing to form a panel to look at adult ASC services, potentially including ‘transitional’ services supporting people moving from children’s to adult services. Members also asked for a briefing note on this issue to be circulated to all members.


46.3    Councillor Keith Taylor introduced a letter from Councillor Ian Davey on lease-hold mediation services.


46.4    The Chair directed members to a recent response to similar queries from Nick Hibberd, Assistant Director, Housing Management. Committee members agreed that this response answered most of the queries raised in Councillor Davey’s letter and that there was currently therefore no need for the matter to be taken further by the Committee.


46.5    RESOLVED – That: a) an ad hoc panel be formed to investigate issues relating to city services for adults with autistic spectrum conditions; b) that Councillor Davey be thanked for his letter regarding lease-hold mediation, but that no further action would be taken at this time.

Meeting: 07/01/2010 - Adult Social Care & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 46.)

46. Letters from Councillors pdf icon PDF 35 KB

A letter requesting the establishment of an ad hoc panel has been received from Councillor Georgia Wrighton (copy attached)

Additional documents:


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