Issue - items at meetings - Regulation of Short Term Holiday Lets

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Issue - meetings

Regulation of Short Term Holiday Lets

Meeting: 11/03/2020 - Housing Committee (Item 62)

62 Regulation of Short Term Holiday Lets pdf icon PDF 177 KB

Report of Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities


Contact: Martin Reid / Jo Player                                  Tel: 01273 292488

Ward Affected: All


Additional documents:


Resolved: That the Housing Committee note the content of the report attached.



62.1    The Committee considered the report presented by Jo Player (Head of Safer Communities).


62.2    Following a deputation to the Tourism Equalities Culture and Communities Committee on 26 September 2019, officers were tasked with producing a report outlining what action could be taken to address large scale short term holiday lets in residential areas. A Notice of Motion was also submitted to Full Council on 19 December 2019 and considered by Tourism Equalities Culture and Communities Committee on 16 January 2020. Tourism Equalities Culture and Communities Committee agreed to the notice of motion and requested a report on Regulation of Short Term Holiday lets.


62.3    In light of the close alignment to the Housing Committee Work Plan action on short term holiday lets, the attached report on Regulation of Short Term Holiday Lets being considered by Tourism Equalities Culture and Communities on 5 March 2020 is also being brought to Housing Committee for members to note.


62.4    Councillor Martin Osborne was informed that the City Plan Part Two stated as involving the regulation of short term holiday lets is being dealt with by the Planning team. The time scales for the task force will be given to Councillor Osborne as soon as they are available.


62.5    It was noted that complaints need a single point of contact to increase contactability. The number of houses being used for short term lets and therefore not available for long term lets is not known. It was also noted that other authorities check out websites and take enforcement action when necessary.


62.6    Councillor Alan Robins noted that Sussex Police acknowledge complaints regarding short term lets and commented that some lets allow families to stay at home.


62.7    Resolved: The Housing Committee noted the content of the report attached to the agenda.


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