Issue - items at meetings - Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 4 2019/20

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Issue - meetings

Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 4 2019/20

Meeting: 16/09/2020 - Housing Committee (Item 101)

101 Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 4 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 794 KB




2.1      That the Housing Committee notes the report.


101.1  The Head of Income Involvement & Improvement introduced the report which informed the committee that the housing management performance report covers Quarter 4 of the financial year 2019/20 alongside end of year results.


101.2  Councillor Atkinson was informed that information on how the council compares to other authorities with regard to cost indicators on new builds will be reported back to the committee with caveats on different areas.


101.3  Councillor Mears expressed dissatisfaction with the recent area housing panel meeting where all areas met at once and requested a return to separate area meetings where residents would have a chance to speak. The councillor was informed that the Housing Management costs were compared to other authorities, however, other councils included some of the same elements in calculations and not others. Comparing was therefore a challenge. It was noted that Universal credit applications accounted for some of the reasons for rent arears. It was also confirmed that support for residents with rent arears included mental health support. The gas certificate checks were confirmed as being yearly from the time of placement into the building. It was noted that some checks were started at 10 months as this gave buffer time for check to be carried out before the 12 month deadline. The external concrete coating of Leech Court was not included in the original contract and did not form part of the initial works. The costs for the external coating include paint and final finish it was confirmed.


101.4  Councillor Osborne was informed that the council were moving away from fitting gas boilers, however no programme was in place yet. With regard to rent arears, the council were working to the process agreed by the courts. During COVID-19 pandemic residents in arears had not been visited. Officers were contacting residents by phone, using text and calling to remind residents when rent was due. It was noted that redundancies were having an impact on residents and some were resisting applying for Universal credit. The councillor was informed that during lockdown the restrictions on courts prevented evictions. It was considered that this would change once the courts reopen.


101.5  Councillor Hill considered that Universal credit was having a damaging impact on residents in arears.


101.6  Councillor Hugh-Jones was informed that the council will only be informed once a Universal credit application has been submitted. The council are not aware before this unless a resident informs the council. It was noted that the first Universal credit payment could take 5 to 6 weeks and on occasion the payment has been used for food rather than rent. The councillor was informed that sickness surgeries have been held throughout the year in the housing team to understand the high level of sickness and how to reduce this in the department. It was also noted that a energy efficiency report will be coming to committee.

101.7  Councillor Williams expressed concerns relating to evictions and requested that they were not issued. The Councillor was informed that the council were not currently issuing notices of eviction. It was noted that the council sometimes need residents to understand the nature of their arears and serving a notice can be a way of flagging the seriousness of the situation and instigating a conversation with the council. The councillor was assured that the city has the lowest number of evictions compared to other authorities. It was noted that the mental health of those in arears and served a notice of eviction needed support.


101.8  Councillor Fowler was informed that the number of empty homes has increased as no home inspections had taken place during the pandemic lockdown and this had created a backlog. The councillor was also informed that the repairs service was currently carrying out emergency repairs only. The return to full service was currently being looked at.


101.9  Councillor Mears requested that the wording on the evictions notice letter be revised to reduce mental health impact.



The Chair put the recommendations to the vote and they were agreed unanimously.




2.1      That the Housing Committee notes the report.


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