Issue - items at meetings - Covid-19 City Recovery Programme Update

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Covid-19 City Recovery Programme Update

Meeting: 29/05/2020 - Policy & Resources (Recovery) Sub-Committee (Item 5)

5 Covid-19 City Recovery Programme Update pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.

Additional documents:


1)     That the localised response to a phased recovery and the progress updates on the city’s recovery programme be noted;

2)     That the council’s approach to a phased recovery from Covid-19 ensures delivery of the council’s goalof lowering toxic emissions to achieve ‘carbon neutrality’ by 2030; and

3)     That further to the council’s planned work on Transport Network Management and Recovery, that the committee recognises:

-         Government guidance (‘Safer Public Places – Urban Centres and Green Spaces’), which focuses on practical interventions to adapt public places, particularly in areas of high footfall, to support health and safety as urban spaces become busier;

-         latest Government guidance indicating that non-essential retail will reopen on 15th June, requiring more immediate changes to our transport network to allow for safe ‘social distancing,’ than can be realised by the next meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee;

-         the strength of feeling in the city for transport network changes, to facilitate road safety, walking and cycling, reduce toxic emissions, as well as support the safe use of public transport;

-         plans agreed by Urgency Policy and Resources Committee to bring forward urgent transport changes, and the current LCWIP consultation;

-         news that the council has recently been allocated ‘emergency active travel’ funding from Government, some of which could be withdrawn if the initial tranche is not spent quickly;


and therefore agrees:

-         to identify and implement urgently needed changes to both public places and the transport network, to enable outdoor exercise, active travel and maximise safe public transport use, (including measures referenced in the Government guidance, such as timed road closures) that can take place prior to 15th June;

-         and to fast-track engagement with local communities and stakeholders, to help identify and prioritise such measures, prior to 15th June;


that further to guidance on reopening of schools, to swiftly progress safe ‘school streets’ initiatives across the city.


5.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that outlined how the City Council and the city was responding locally following the publication of ‘Our Plan to Rebuild’ The UK Government’s Covid-19 recovery strategy. The report also provided a progress update on the development of the City’s Recovery Programme as agreed by Policy & Resources Committee on 30th April 2020.


The meeting was adjourned at 13.55pm and reconvened at 14.15pm


5.2      A joint Green Group and Labour Group motion was moved by Councillor Mac Cafferty and Councillor Platts to add a recommendation 2.2 and 2.3 as shown in bold italics below:


2.2   That the council’s approach to a phased recovery from Covid-19 ensures delivery of the council’s goal of lowering toxic emissions to achieve ‘carbon neutrality’ by 2030; and

2.3   That further to the council’s planned work on Transport Network Management and Recovery, that the committee recognises:

-         Government guidance (‘Safer Public Places – Urban Centres and Green Spaces’), which focuses on practical interventions to adapt public places, particularly in areas of high footfall, to support health and safety as urban spaces become busier;

-         latest Government guidance indicating that non-essential retail will reopen on 15th June, requiring more immediate changes to our transport network to allow for safe ‘social distancing,’ than can be realised by the next meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee;

-         the strength of feeling in the city for transport network changes, to facilitate road safety, walking and cycling, reduce toxic emissions, as well as support the safe use of public transport;

-         plans agreed by Urgency Policy and Resources Committee to bring forward urgent transport changes, and the current LCWIP consultation;

-         news that the council has recently been allocated ‘emergency active travel’ funding from Government, some of which could be withdrawn if the initial tranche is not spent quickly;

and therefore agrees:

-         to identify and implement urgently needed changes to both public places and the transport network, to enable outdoor exercise, active travel and maximise safe public transport use, (including measures referenced in the Government guidance, such as timed road closures) that can take place prior to 15th June;

-         and to fast-track engagement with local communities and stakeholders, to help identify and prioritise such measures, prior to 15th June;

that further to guidance on reopening of schools, to swiftly progress safe ‘school streets’ initiatives across the city.


5.3      Councillors Gibson and Yates formally seconded the motion on behalf of the Green Group and Labour Group respectively.


5.4      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture explained that should the motion be carried, there were many measures that would need to be undertaken before the 15 June 2020 that was the announced date for retail premises to re-open. The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture stated that whilst the financial implications did not cover the cost of the measures proposed, a report agreed the meeting of the Policy & Resources Urgency Sub-Committee of the 13 May 2020 had given authority to officers to undertake an urgent action plan and the opportunity to take forward many measures that were outlined in the motion.


5.5      Councillor Miller welcomed the report and the motion to amend the recommendations and ask if the members of the Sub-Committee would agree to the motion becoming tri-party with his name assigned has joint proposer. Furthermore, Councillor Miller detailed several opportunities for innovation in the council’s recovery phase approach.


5.6      Councillor Gibson welcomed the report and emphasised the role reducing inequality would have in a successful recovery strategy. Councillor Gibson stated that he hoped there would be greater emphasis in future reports on the opportunities to harness and develop the community spirit and mutual aid that had arisen during the lockdown period.


5.7      In response to comments made, the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture detailed some of the measures and support that would be provided to the events, hospitality and retail sectors as they re-opened.


5.8      The request to amend the motion to allow for Councillor Miller on behalf of the Conservative Group to become a joint proposer was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee.


5.9      The Chair then put the motion to the vote that was unanimously passed.


5.10   The Chair then put the recommendations as amended to the vote that was unanimously passed.


5.11   RESOLVED-

1)     That the localised response to a phased recovery and the progress updates on the city’s recovery programme be noted;

2)     That the council’s approach to a phased recovery from Covid-19 ensures delivery of the council’s goalof lowering toxic emissions to achieve ‘carbon neutrality’ by 2030; and

3)     That further to the council’s planned work on Transport Network Management and Recovery, that the committee recognises:

-         Government guidance (‘Safer Public Places – Urban Centres and Green Spaces’), which focuses on practical interventions to adapt public places, particularly in areas of high footfall, to support health and safety as urban spaces become busier;

-         latest Government guidance indicating that non-essential retail will reopen on 15th June, requiring more immediate changes to our transport network to allow for safe ‘social distancing,’ than can be realised by the next meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee;

-         the strength of feeling in the city for transport network changes, to facilitate road safety, walking and cycling, reduce toxic emissions, as well as support the safe use of public transport;

-         plans agreed by Urgency Policy and Resources Committee to bring forward urgent transport changes, and the current LCWIP consultation;

-         news that the council has recently been allocated ‘emergency active travel’ funding from Government, some of which could be withdrawn if the initial tranche is not spent quickly;


and therefore agrees:

-         to identify and implement urgently needed changes to both public places and the transport network, to enable outdoor exercise, active travel and maximise safe public transport use, (including measures referenced in the Government guidance, such as timed road closures) that can take place prior to 15th June;

-         and to fast-track engagement with local communities and stakeholders, to help identify and prioritise such measures, prior to 15th June;


that further to guidance on reopening of schools, to swiftly progress safe ‘school streets’ initiatives across the city.


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