Issue - items at meetings - Older People Mental Health Planning Framework 2009/10 to 2011/12

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Issue - meetings

Older People Mental Health Planning Framework 2009/10 to 2011/12

Meeting: 06/03/2009 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 64)

Older People Mental Health Planning Framework 2009/10 to 2011/12

Report of Director of Strategy, Brighton & Hove City PCT (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)       That the Brighton and Hove Older People Mental Health Planning Framework 2009–2012, be approved.


64.1         The Director of Community Care introduced the report of the Director of Strategy, Brighton & Hove City PCT, which set out the vision for the future development and commissioning of services to support older people with mental health needs, and their carers, in Brighton and Hove (for copy see minute book).  The planning framework and the three year action plan were attached as appendix 1.  In twelve months time, when year one of the action plan has been implemented, the framework would be updated and a full commissioning strategy would be published.  Meanwhile, the framework would be reviewed in light of the publication of the National Dementia Strategy on 3 February 2009. 


64.2    The Director of Adult Social Care & Housing explained that the Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 5 March had discussed the new Dementia Strategy and had expressed an interest in helping to inform the Older People Mental Health final strategy document.  A report on this matter would be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission.  The Director reported that Ian Bainbridge, the Deputy Regional Director of Social Care, Department of Health, South East, was keen for Brighton & Hove to bid for money as a demonstrator site for dementia.   However, there was no extra money for the work on the strategy. 


64.3    Councillor Lepper asked what kind of liaison had been carried out in relation to caring for people with dementia.  The Commissioner for Older People Mental Health replied that there had been a consultation process and there would be Implementation Sub-Groups.    


64.4    Councillor Wrighton informed the meeting that that the there had been enthusiasm at the Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee in setting up a panel to consider dementia.  This would be probably be arranged jointly with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Councillor Wrighton considered the framework a positive approach to help people receive an earlier diagnosis and access help at an earlier stage.  However she made the point that many people were in the more severe category.  She asked how these people could be helped to engaged and helped into directed care.  The Director replied that officers had a great deal of experience in terms of engaging people who do not have the capacity to engage themselves.  A great deal could be learnt from the work carried out in learning disabilities.


64.5    Councillor Lepper made the point that there were a significant number of older people with a problem with alcoholism and some with a substance misuse problem.  There did not appear to be much information in the report about this issue.  The Director of Community Care agreed that there were a high number of admissions of older people with alcohol problems.  There was a need to have clear pathways into main stream services.


64.6    The Cabinet Member thanked the Commissioner for Older People Mental Health for her work in preparing the report. 

64.7    RESOLVED - Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1) That the Brighton and Hove Older People Mental Health Planning Framework 2009–2012, be approved.


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