Issue - items at meetings - Covid-19 City Recovery Programme Progress Update

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Covid-19 City Recovery Programme Progress Update

Meeting: 24/06/2020 - Policy & Resources (Recovery) Sub-Committee (Item 12)

12 Covid-19 City Recovery Programme Progress Update pdf icon PDF 284 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.

Additional documents:




(1)             That the progress update report be noted;


(2)             That the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture be granted delegated authority to procure and award a contract for the deployment of city marshalls to support the management of safe space on the seafront and in our retail high streets;


(3)             That officers be requested to bring a report to the September Sub-Committee on the impact of Covid-19 upon disadvantaged communities along with proposals for supporting community recovery, including consideration of the equalities’ implications of the recovery planning process; and


(4)             That further to the work of the council’s internal Ways of Working cell, a report be commissioned, in consultation with staff fora and Trade Unions, detailing options for recognising and rewarding all council staff for their efforts during Covid-19 pandemic.


12.1         The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture introduced the report which provided an update on the development and delivery of the city’s Covid-19 recovery programme. He noted that officers were working with partner organisations to plan for the city’s economic recovery as lockdown was eased and he would bring regular updates to the committee.


12.2         The Chair noted that there was an amendment from the Green Group and invited Councillor Mac Cafferty to move the amendment.


12.3         Councillor Mac Cafferty formally moved the amendment and stated that he wished to thank all the officers for their work during the pandemic and that it was felt that their efforts should be recognised in some way. Everyone had been through a huge change in terms of working arrangements and ways of working at break neck speed.


12.4         Councillor Gibson formally seconded the amendment and stated that councillors were aware staff were working extremely hard and gong over and above what was expected. He therefore hoped that the amendment could be supported.


12.5         The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture stated that senior officers were aware of the incredible work being undertaken by staff and were exploring ways of recognising that commitment.


12.6         Councillor Yates stated that he was fully aware of the sterling work being undertaken by council staff and that the need to recognise this had already been raised with the senior management team. He also noted that many staff had learnt new roles and had supported completely different areas of work but were now being asked to return to their original roles because of the easing of lockdown. This was likely to have an impact on those services which had received the support and those people who used the services. It was something that would need further consideration.


12.7         Councillor Gibson echoed the comments and asked what support was being given to homeless people who would have to move out of the current accommodation that had been provided and what action was being taken to manage the safer re-connection aspect for those who did not have a direct connection with the city.


12.8         The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture stated that options were being looked and the use of volunteers to support services and people was being considered. The recent use of specialist marshals for crowd control had worked well and it may be that this needed to be extended and he was happy to report back to the committee.


12.9         Councillor Bell stated that there had been discussions at the Leaders Group in regard to how to recognise staff and he felt that officers had done outstanding work and he was happy to wait for an update to the Leaders Group. He also asked if further information could be provided outside of the meeting in respect of the applications made for discretionary grants by local businesses, an update on the availability of university accommodation in September, an update on the potential events programme and whether the proposed funding for city marshals could be claimed as outlined in the report.


12.10      The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture stated that he would ensure the information was provided to the Members of the Committee. He noted that additional support to local businesses had been given with a view to helping to manage the easing of the lockdown restrictions e.g. additional pavement space was being made available, shop-owners were working with officers to create a safe environment and museums and attractions were preparing to open on the 4 July.


12.11      The Assistant Director Development & Regeneration noted that the Discretionary Grants budget of £3.697m had been over-subscribed with applications amounting to £10.835m and that 305 applications had been approved with payments due to be made this week.


12.12      The Chair noted the comments and put the amendment to the vote which was carried unanimously. The Chair then put the recommendations as amended to the vote which were carried.


12.13      RESOLVED:


(1)      That the progress update report be noted;


(2)      That the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture be granted delegated authority to procure and award a contract for the deployment of city marshals to support the management of safe space on the seafront and in our retail high streets;


(3)      That officers be requested to bring a report to the September Sub-Committee on the impact of Covid-19 upon disadvantaged communities along with proposals for supporting community recovery, including consideration of the equalities’ implications of the recovery planning process; and


(4)      That further to the work of the council’s internal Ways of Working cell, a report be commissioned, in consultation with staff fora and Trade Unions, detailing options for recognising and rewarding all council staff for their efforts during Covid-19 pandemic.


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